SpringBoot2.3整合Spring Data JPA实现基本操作

导读:本篇文章讲解 SpringBoot2.3整合Spring Data JPA实现基本操作,希望对大家有帮助,欢迎收藏,转发!站点地址:www.bmabk.com

1. 概述

Spring Data JPA是Spring基于ORM框架、JPA规范的基础上封装的一套JPA应用框架,可以使开发者用极简的代码即可对数据库的访问合操作,它提供了包括增删改查等在内的常用功能,且易于扩展、提高开发效率。

2. 引入核心依赖


3. yml配置信息

  port: 8105
    name: springboot-jpa
    #type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
    driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
    url: jdbc:mysql://xx.xx.xx.xx:3306/springboot?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&useSSL=true&serverTimezone=GMT%2B8
    username: 用户名
    password: 密码
      minimum-idle: 10 #最小空闲连接,默认10
      maximum-pool-size: 20 #最大连接数
      idle-timeout: 600000 #空闲连接超时时间,默认600000(10分钟)
      max-lifetime: 540000 #连接最大存活时间,默认30分钟
      connection-timeout: 60000 #连接超时时间,默认30秒
      connection-test-query: SELECT 1 #测试连接是否可用查询语句
      ddl-auto: update #数据库表生成策略
    database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
    show-sql: true #控制台显示sql语句
    database: mysql
    date-format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
    time-zone: GMT+8

4. 持久层接口

public interface SysUserRepository extends JpaRepository<SysUser, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<SysUser> {

    @Query(value = "from sys_user user where user.userName = ?1")
    SysUser findUserByUserName(String userName);

    @Query(value = "update sys_user set userName = ?2 where id = ?1")
    int updateUserById(Long id, String userName);

    @Query(value = "select * from sys_user where user_code = :userCode", nativeQuery = true)
    SysUser findUserByUserCode(String userCode);

Spring Data JPA可以使用接口定义的方式查询,也支持JPQL方式和SQL语句查询

5. 业务层接口

public interface SysUserService {

     * 新增用户信息
     * @param user
     * @return
    SysUser insertUser(SysUser user);

     * 修改用户信息
     * @param user
     * @return
    SysUser updateUser(SysUser user);

     * 根据ID查询用户信息
     * @param id
     * @return
    SysUser selectUserById(Long id);

     * 根据ID查找用户信息
     * @param id
     * @return
    Optional<SysUser> findById(Long id);

     * 查询所有用户信息
     * @return
    List<SysUser> findAll();

     * 根据ID删除用户信息
     * @param id
    void deleteById(Long id);

     * 根据用户名称查询用户信息(使用jpql查询)
     * @param userName
     * @return
    SysUser findUserByUserName(String userName);

     * 根据用户编号查询用户信息(使用sql查询)
     * @param userCode
     * @return
    SysUser findUserByUserCode(String userCode);

     * 根据ID更新用户信息(使用jpql更新)
     * @param id
     * @param userName
     * @return
    int updateUserById(Long id, String userName);

     * 使用Specification实现条件查询
     * @param userName
     * @return
    List<SysUser> selectUserBySpecification(String userName);

     * 多条件分页查询
     * @param pageNum
     * @param pageSize
     * @param userName
     * @return
    Page<SysUser> selectPageUserBySpecification(int pageNum, int pageSize, String userName);

6. 业务层接口实现类

public class SysUserServiceImpl implements SysUserService {

    private SysUserRepository userRepository;

    public SysUser insertUser(SysUser user) {
        return userRepository.save(user);

    public SysUser updateUser(SysUser user) {
        return userRepository.save(user);

    public SysUser selectUserById(Long id) {
        return userRepository.getOne(id);

    public Optional<SysUser> findById(Long id) {
        return userRepository.findById(id);

    public List<SysUser> findAll() {
        return userRepository.findAll();

    public void deleteById(Long id) {

    public SysUser findUserByUserName(String userName) {
        return userRepository.findUserByUserName(userName);

    public SysUser findUserByUserCode(String userCode) {
        return userRepository.findUserByUserCode(userCode);

    @Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
    public int updateUserById(Long id, String userName) {
        return userRepository.updateUserById(id, userName);

    public List<SysUser> selectUserBySpecification(String userName) {
        Specification<SysUser> specification = new Specification<SysUser>() {
            public Predicate toPredicate(Root<SysUser> root, CriteriaQuery<?> criteriaQuery, CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder) {
                return criteriaBuilder.like(root.get("userName").as(String.class), "%" + userName + "%");
        return userRepository.findAll(specification);

    public Page<SysUser> selectPageUserBySpecification(int pageNum, int pageSize, String userName) {
        Specification<SysUser> specification = new Specification<SysUser>() {
            public Predicate toPredicate(Root<SysUser> root, CriteriaQuery<?> criteriaQuery, CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder) {
                List<Predicate> predicateList = new ArrayList<>();
                if (StringUtils.hasLength(userName)) {
                    predicateList.add(criteriaBuilder.like(root.get("userName").as(String.class), "%" + userName + "%"));
                return criteriaBuilder.and(predicateList.toArray(new Predicate[predicateList.size()]));
        Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(pageNum, pageSize);
        return userRepository.findAll(specification, pageable);

7. 查询方法命名规则

只需要按照Spring Data JPA提供的方法命名规则定义方法的名称,就可以完成查询工作。Spring Data JPA在程序执行的时候会根据方法名称进行解析,并自动生成查询语句进行查询。

Keyword Sample JPQL snippet
Distinct findDistinctByLastnameAndFirstname select distinct …​ where x.lastname = ?1 and x.firstname = ?2
And findByLastnameAndFirstname … where x.lastname = ?1 and x.firstname = ?2
Or findByLastnameOrFirstname … where x.lastname = ?1 or x.firstname = ?2
Is, Equals findByFirstname,findByFirstnameIs,findByFirstnameEquals … where x.firstname = ?1
Between findByStartDateBetween … where x.startDate between ?1 and ?2
LessThan findByAgeLessThan … where x.age < ?1
LessThanEqual findByAgeLessThanEqual … where x.age <= ?1
GreaterThan findByAgeGreaterThan … where x.age > ?1
GreaterThanEqual findByAgeGreaterThanEqual … where x.age >= ?1
After findByStartDateAfter … where x.startDate > ?1
Before findByStartDateBefore … where x.startDate < ?1
IsNull, Null findByAge(Is)Null … where x.age is null
IsNotNull, NotNull findByAge(Is)NotNull … where x.age not null
Like findByFirstnameLike … where x.firstname like ?1
NotLike findByFirstnameNotLike … where x.firstname not like ?1
StartingWith findByFirstnameStartingWith … where x.firstname like ?1 (parameter bound with appended %)
EndingWith findByFirstnameEndingWith … where x.firstname like ?1 (parameter bound with prepended %)
Containing findByFirstnameContaining … where x.firstname like ?1 (parameter bound wrapped in %)
OrderBy findByAgeOrderByLastnameDesc … where x.age = ?1 order by x.lastname desc
Not findByLastnameNot … where x.lastname <> ?1
In findByAgeIn(Collection<Age> ages) … where x.age in ?1
NotIn findByAgeNotIn(Collection<Age> ages) … where x.age not in ?1
True findByActiveTrue() … where x.active = true
False findByActiveFalse() … where x.active = false
IgnoreCase findByFirstnameIgnoreCase … where UPPER(x.firstname) = UPPER(?1)

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