
导读:本篇文章讲解 Salesforce系列(0):工作中常用的salesforce相关的英语词汇汇总!,希望对大家有帮助,欢迎收藏,转发!站点地址






1、underlying 潜在的 – underlying report 基础报告
2、deflection 偏差 – analyzing deflection rate month-over-month 分析月度偏差率
3、graphical chart 图形图表
4、key metrics and trends 关键指标和趋势
5、bar chart / pie chart 柱状图(条形图)/饼状图
6、tabular report 表格报表
7、walk sb through sth 向某人介绍某事 to slowly and carefully explain something to somebody or show some one how to do something.
8、matrix reports 矩阵报告 – matrix: the set of conditions that provides a system in which something grows and develops.
9、stale Opportunities 陈旧的机会
10、eligible 可选的/合格的 – The drop-down list contains all eligible child objects. 下拉列表包含所有的合格的子对象。
11、exclude 排除 – finds records that exclude specific values. 找到排除了特定值的记录。
12、FY 财政年度 – Current FY == Current Fiscal Year 指:from 2017-1-1 to 2017-12-31
13、FQ 财政季度 – Current FQ == Current Fiscal Quarter 指:from 2017-1-1 to 2017-3-31 / 3个月一个季度
14、CY 公历年 – Calendar Year | CQ 公历季度 – Calendar Quarter
15、a pop up window 一个弹出窗口
16、buddy 伙伴
17、pending request 挂起请求 / 待处理的请求
18、refine 提炼 – Your portal members can continue using the portal as you refine your new community. 您的门户成员可以在您完善新社区时继续使用该门户。
19、retain 保留 – Retaining historical user data. 保留历史用户数据。
20、streamline 简化 – You can streamline key business processes. 您可以简化关键业务流程。
21、engagement and loyalty – 参与度与忠诚度。
22、vendor 供应商 reseller 经销商
23、address one’s needs 满足某人的需求 – Community was built to address all of these needs. 社区的建立是为了满足所有这些需求。
24、stakeholder 利益相关者
25、be engage with somebody 与某人互动 – Describe how your company can engage with internal and external stakeholders using communities.
26、engagement 参与 – Drive Brand Engagement 驱动品牌参与
27、business process 业务流程
28、You can use a bunch of approaches to measure your firm’s success. 你能使用许多方法检验你公司的成功性。
29、ecosystem 生态系统
30、one-stop-shop 一站式商店 – Gives customers a one-stop-shop for finding information about your company and products. 为客户提供一站式商店查找有关贵公司的产品和信息。
31、reimplement 重新实现
32、workarounds 解决方法 devise and formulate 设计和制定
33、mandatory 强制性的、必须的
34、be superseded by 被取代 – S-Controll has been superseded by Visualforce



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