Oracle 19c包括5412个参数,各参数概要内容如下:
__asm_max_connected_clients | The high water mark value for connected clients | 3 |
__data_transfer_cache_size | Actual size of data transfer cache | 0 |
__db_16k_cache_xmem_size_metadata | Size of extended cache metadata for 16k buffer pool | 0 |
__db_2k_cache_xmem_size_metadata | Size of extended cache metadata for 2k buffer pool | 0 |
__db_32k_cache_xmem_size_metadata | Size of extended cache metadata for 32k buffer pool | 0 |
__db_4k_cache_xmem_size_metadata | Size of extended cache metadata for 4k buffer pool | 0 |
__db_8k_cache_xmem_size_metadata | Size of extended cache metadata for 8k buffer pool | 0 |
__db_cache_size | Actual size of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffers | 1459617792 |
__db_cache_xmem_size_metadata | Size of extended memory metadata of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffers | 0 |
__db_keep_cache_xmem_size_metadata | Size of extended cache metadata of KEEP buffer pool for standard block size buffers | 0 |
__db_recycle_cache_xmem_size_metadata | Size of extended memory metadata of recycle buffer pool for standard block size buffers | 0 |
__dg_broker_service_names | service names for broker use | |
__inmemory_ext_roarea | Actual size in bytes of inmemory ro extension area | 0 |
__inmemory_ext_rwarea | Actual size in bytes of inmemory rw extension area | 0 |
__java_pool_size | Actual size in bytes of java pool | 0 |
__large_pool_size | Actual size in bytes of large pool | 33554432 |
__latch_test_param | latch test parameter | 0 |
__maintenance_is_planned | Is maintenance scheduled soon? | 0 |
__memoptimize_xmem_pool_size_metadata | Size of extended cache metadata of MEMOPTIMIZE buffer pool for standard block size buffers | 0 |
__oracle_base | ORACLE_BASE | |
__persistent_cl2_slave_size | Actual size of slave cluster flash cache for default block size | 0 |
__pga_aggregate_target | Current target size for the aggregate PGA memory consumed | 520093696 |
__reload_lsnr | reload listener | |
__sga_current_size | Current size for PDB SGA | 0 |
__sga_target | Actual size of SGA | 2063597568 |
__shared_io_pool_size | Actual size of shared IO pool | 100663296 |
__shared_pool_size | Actual size in bytes of shared pool | 452984832 |
__streams_pool_size | Actual size in bytes of streams pool | 0 |
__unified_pga_pool_size | Actual size in bytes of unified pga pool | 0 |
__wait_test_param | wait test parameter | 0 |
_4030_dump_bitvec | bitvec to specify dumps prior to 4030 error | 4095 |
_4031_dump_bitvec | bitvec to specify dumps prior to 4031 error | 67194879 |
_4031_dump_interval | Dump 4031 error once for each n-second interval | 300 |
_4031_max_dumps | Maximum number of 4031 dumps for this process | 100 |
_4031_sga_dump_interval | Dump 4031 SGA heapdump error once for each n-second interval | 3600 |
_4031_sga_max_dumps | Maximum number of SGA heapdumps | 10 |
_abort_on_mrp_crash | abort database instance when MRP crashes | FALSE |
_abort_recovery_on_join | if TRUE, abort recovery on join reconfigurations | FALSE |
_ac_enable_dscn_in_rac | Enable Dependent Commit SCN tracking | FALSE |
_ac_strict_SCN_check | enforce strict SCN check for AC replay across DG failover | FALSE |
_accept_versions | List of parameters for rolling operation | |
_active_instance_count | number of active instances in the cluster database | |
_active_session_idle_limit | active session idle limit | 5 |
_active_session_legacy_behavior | active session legacy behavior | FALSE |
_active_standby_fast_reconfiguration | if TRUE optimize dlm reconfiguration for active/standby OPS | TRUE |
_adaptive_direct_read | Adaptive Direct Read | TRUE |
_adaptive_direct_write | Adaptive Direct Write | TRUE |
_adaptive_fetch_enabled | enable/disable adaptive fetch in parallel group by | TRUE |
_adaptive_log_file_sync_high_switch_freq_threshold | Threshold for frequent log file sync mode switches (per minute) | 3 |
_adaptive_log_file_sync_poll_aggressiveness | Polling interval selection bias (conservative=0, aggressive=100) | 0 |
_adaptive_log_file_sync_sampling_count | Evaluate post/wait versus polling every N writes | 128 |
_adaptive_log_file_sync_sampling_time | Evaluate post/wait versus polling every N seconds | 3 |
_adaptive_log_file_sync_sched_delay_window | Window (in seconds) for measuring average scheduling delay | 60 |
_adaptive_log_file_sync_use_polling_threshold | Ratio of redo synch time to expected poll time as a percentage | 110 |
_adaptive_log_file_sync_use_postwait_threshold | Percentage of foreground load from when post/wait was last used | 50 |
_adaptive_log_file_sync_use_postwait_threshold_aging | Permille of foreground load from when post/wait was last used | 1001 |
_adaptive_scalable_log_writer_disable_worker_threshold | Percentage of overlap across multiple outstanding writes | 50 |
_adaptive_scalable_log_writer_enable_worker_aging | Per million of redo gen rate when LGWR workers were last used | 999900 |
_adaptive_scalable_log_writer_enable_worker_threshold | Increase in redo generation rate as a percentage | 200 |
_adaptive_scalable_log_writer_sampling_count | Evaluate single versus scalable LGWR every N writes | 128 |
_adaptive_scalable_log_writer_sampling_time | Evaluate single versus scalable LGWR every N seconds | 3 |
_adaptive_window_consolidator_enabled | enable/disable adaptive window consolidator PX plan | TRUE |
_add_col_optim_enabled | Allows new add column optimization | TRUE |
_add_nullable_column_with_default_optim | Allows add of a nullable column with default optimization | TRUE |
_add_stale_mv_to_dependency_list | add stale mv to dependency list | TRUE |
_add_trim_for_nlssort | add trimming for fixed char semantics | TRUE |
_addm_auto_actions_enabled | determines if ADDM can automatically implement its recommendations | TRUE |
_addm_auto_enable | governs whether ADDM gets run automatically after every AWR snapshot | TRUE |
_addm_skiprules | comma-separated list of ADDM nodes to skip | |
_addm_version_check | governs whether ADDM checks the input AWR snapshot version | TRUE |
_adg_adt_redirect_apply_lag_threshold | Maximum centi-secends of apply lag threshold | 12000 |
_adg_adt_redirect_catchup_wait_time | Maximum centi-secends for standby to catch up | 12000 |
_adg_auto_close_pdb | ADG recovery auto close PDB upon PDB drop/unplug/rename marker | TRUE |
_adg_count_beyond_limit | Count the total number of objects if beyond redo marker length. | 0 |
_adg_defer_segstat | Defer the segment statistics update on standby. | TRUE |
_adg_distributed_lockmaster | standby runs under ADG distributed lockmaster mode | FALSE |
_adg_influx_qscn_gap | maximium time gap between influx scn and qscn update in seconds | 0 |
_adg_instance_recovery | enable ADG instance recovery | TRUE |
_adg_objectlock_attempts | Maximum attemps for objectlock get on ADG | 2 |
_adg_objectlock_maxnum | The maximum limit of the objectlock number on ADG | 1000 |
_adg_objectlock_timeout | timeout for objectlock get on ADG in centiseconds | 0 |
_adg_parselock_timeout | timeout for parselock get on ADG in centiseconds | 0 |
_adg_parselock_timeout_sleep | sleep duration after a parselock timeout on ADG in milliseconds | 100 |
_adg_redirect_upd_to_primary_max_retries | max retries for ADT redirect to Primary from ADG | 500 |
_adjust_literal_replacement | If TRUE, we will adjust the SQL/PLUS output | FALSE |
_adr_migrate_runonce | Enable/disable ADR Migrate Runonce action | TRUE |
_advanced_index_compression_cmp_options | advanced index compression cmp options | 0 |
_advanced_index_compression_opt_options | advanced index compression opt options | 0 |
_advanced_index_compression_options | advanced index compression options | 0 |
_advanced_index_compression_options_value | advanced index compression options2 | 0 |
_advanced_index_compression_recmp_crsz | advanced index compression limit recomp cr | 10 |
_advanced_index_compression_recmp_cusz | advanced index compression limit recomp cu | 90 |
_advanced_index_compression_recmp_nprg | advanced index compression limit recomp pu | 10 |
_advanced_index_compression_trace | advanced index compression trace | 0 |
_advanced_index_compression_tst_options | advanced index compression tst options | 0 |
_advanced_index_compression_umem_options | advanced index compression umem options | 2147483647 |
_afd_disable_fence | Disable AFD fencing | FALSE |
_affinity_on | enable/disable affinity at run time | TRUE |
_aged_out_cursor_cache_time | number of seconds an aged out session cached cursor stay in cache | 300 |
_aggregation_optimization_settings | settings for aggregation optimizations | 0 |
_aiowait_timeouts | Number of aiowait timeouts before error is reported | 100 |
_alert_expiration | seconds before an alert message is moved to exception queue | 604800 |
_alert_message_cleanup | Enable Alert Message Cleanup | 1 |
_alert_message_purge | Enable Alert Message Purge | 1 |
_alert_post_background | Enable Background Alert Posting | 1 |
_all_shared_dblinks | treat all dblinks as shared | |
_alloc_perm_as_free | allocate permanent chunks as freeable | FALSE |
_allocate_creation_order | should files be examined in creation order during allocation | FALSE |
_allocate_flashback_buffer | Allocate flashback buffer at mount time even if flashback is off | FALSE |
_allocation_update_interval | interval at which successful search in L1 should be updated | 3 |
_allow_cell_smart_scan_attr | Allow checking smart_scan_capable Attr | TRUE |
_allow_commutativity | allow for commutativity of +, * when comparing expressions | TRUE |
_allow_compatibility_adv_w_grp | allow advancing DB compatibility with guaranteed restore points | FALSE |
_allow_convert_to_standby | allow convert to standby to go through | FALSE |
_allow_cross_endian_dictionary | Allow cross-endian data dictionary | FALSE |
_allow_drop_snapshot_standby_grsp | Allow dropping snapshot standby guaranteed restore point | FALSE |
_allow_drop_ts_with_grp | Allow drop Tablespace with guaranteed restore points | FALSE |
_allow_error_simulation | Allow error simulation for testing | FALSE |
_allow_file_1_offline_error_1245 | don’t signal ORA-1245 due to file 1 being offline | FALSE |
_allow_insert_with_update_check | Allow INSERT as statement_types when update_check is FALSE | FALSE |
_allow_level_without_connect_by | allow level without connect by | FALSE |
_allow_read_only_corruption | allow read-only open even if database is corrupt | FALSE |
_allow_resetlogs_corruption | allow resetlogs even if it will cause corruption | FALSE |
_allow_terminal_recovery_corruption | Finish terminal recovery even if it may cause corruption | FALSE |
_AllowMultInsteadofDDLTrigger | Oracle internal parameter to allow multiple instead of DDL triggers | 0 |
_alter_adg_redirect_behavior | Alter ADG’s Redirection behavior | none |
_alter_upgrade_signature_only | alter table upgrade only sets signature | FALSE |
_alternate_iot_leaf_block_split_points | enable alternate index-organized table leaf-block split-points | TRUE |
_always_anti_join | always use this method for anti-join when possible | CHOOSE |
_always_semi_join | always use this method for semi-join when possible | CHOOSE |
_always_star_transformation | always favor use of star transformation | FALSE |
_always_vector_transformation | always favor use of vector transformation | FALSE |
_analyze_comprehensive | Analyze comprehensive mode | FALSE |
_and_pruning_enabled | allow partition pruning based on multiple mechanisms | TRUE |
_app_container_debug | Enable Debug tracing in Application container | 0 |
_app_default_containers | containers_default and container_map enabled by default on MDL application object | FALSE |
_app_ignore_errors | ignore errors during containers() on application object | TRUE |
_app_replay_silent_errors | silently ignore all errors during application sync | FALSE |
_application_purge_enabled | Is an application purge allowed | TRUE |
_application_script | Running an application script | FALSE |
_apppdb_multi_slave_sync | Multiple slaves used during Application sync | FALSE |
_appqos_cdb_setting | QoSM CDB Performance Class Setting | 0 |
_appqos_po_multiplier | Multiplier for PC performance objective value | 1000 |
_appqos_qt | System Queue time retrieval interval | 10 |
_approx_cnt_distinct_gby_pushdown | perform group-by pushdown for approximate distinct count query | choose |
_approx_cnt_distinct_optimization | settings for approx_count_distinct optimizations | 0 |
_approx_perc_sampling_err_rate | error rate percentage of approximate percentile using sampling | 2 |
_approx_percentile_optimization | settings for approx_percentile optimization | 0 |
_apx_root_directory | APX default root directory | APX |
_aq_addpt_batch_size | Add PT batch Size | 1 |
_aq_dly_bkt | Delay Bucket Size | 2 |
_aq_dq_prefetch_Siz | AQ PT DQ prefech Size | 5 |
_aq_dqblocks_in_cache | deq blocks in cache | 0 |
_aq_droppt_batch_size | Drop PT batch Size | 5 |
_aq_free_list_pools | state object and transaction memory pools | 10 |
_aq_init_shards | Minimum enqueue shards per queue at an instance | 5 |
_aq_ipc_max_slave | maximum number of slaves for knlpipcm | 10 |
_aq_latency_absolute_threshold | Absolute threshold greater than average latency | 300 |
_aq_latency_relative_threshold | Relative threshold of average latency | 100 |
_aq_lb_cycle | Time(seconds) between consecutive AQ load balancing efforts | 120 |
_aq_lb_garbage_col_interval | AQ LB garbage collect interval | 600 |
_aq_lb_stats_collect_cycle | Time(seconds) between consecutive AQ load statistics collection | 45 |
_aq_lb_subht_bkt_ltch | AQ LB subscriber ht bucket latches | 32 |
_aq_lb_subht_elm_ltch | AQ LB subscriber ht element latches | 128 |
_aq_lookback_size | AQ PT Look Back Size | 60 |
_aq_max_pdb_close_msg | Max Number of AQ Recovery Messages when pdb is closed | 1 |
_aq_max_scan_delay | Maximum allowable scan delay for AQ indexes and IOTs | 1500 |
_aq_opt_background_enabled | AQ: OPT Operations Background enabled | TRUE |
_aq_opt_enabled | AQ: OPT Operations enabled | TRUE |
_aq_opt_fudge_factor | AQ: OPT Fudge Factor for pre-fretching | 500 |
_aq_opt_min_evict_memory | AQ: OPT LWM memory for eviction to stop | 0 |
_aq_opt_preevict_dop | AQ: OPT Background: PreEvict Degree Of Parallelism | 3 |
_aq_opt_prefetch_dop | AQ: OPT Background: Prefetch Degree Of Parallelism | 3 |
_aq_opt_prefetch_horizon | AQ: OPT horizon for pre-fretching | 60 |
_aq_opt_stat_window | AQ: OPT Subscriber Statistics Window Size | 21600 |
_aq_opt_stop_stat | AQ: OPT Stop Collection of Subscriber Statistics | FALSE |
_aq_pt_processes | Partition background processes | 10 |
_aq_pt_shrink_frequency | PT shrink window Size | 1450 |
_aq_pt_statistics_window | PT statistics sample window Size | 60 |
_aq_qt_prefetch_Size | AQ PT QT prefech Size | 5 |
_aq_retry_timeouts | retry timeouts | 0 |
_aq_scrambled_deqlog | scrambled deqlog | 1 |
_aq_shard_bitmap_child_latches | Bitmap child latches | 32 |
_aq_shard_child_latches | Shard child latches | 512 |
_aq_shard_prty_latches | Shard priority child latches | 16 |
_aq_shard_retry_child_latches | Retry child latches | 32 |
_aq_shard_sub_child_Elem_latches | Subscriber Element child latches | 1024 |
_aq_shard_sub_child_latches | Subscriber child latches | 512 |
_aq_shard_txn_child_latches | Txn child latches | 128 |
_aq_stop_backgrounds | Stop all AQ background processes | FALSE |
_aq_streaming_threshold | large payload threshold size | 10485760 |
_aq_subshard_Size | Sub Shard Size | 20000 |
_aq_subshards_per_dqpartition | SubShards Per Deq Partition | 1 |
_aq_subshards_per_qpartition | SubShards Per Q Partition | 1 |
_aq_tm_deqcountinterval | dequeue count interval for Time Managers to cleanup DEQ IOT BLOCKS | 0 |
_aq_tm_scanlimit | scan limit for Time Managers to clean up IOT | 0 |
_aq_tm_statistics_duration | statistics collection window duration | 0 |
_aq_truncpt_batch_size | Trunc PT batch Size | 1 |
_aq_Txn_ht_sz | Message cache Txn Hash table size | 1024 |
_aq_uncached_stats | Uncached Stats | 0 |
_aq_x_mode | AQ – cross mode | 1 |
_aq_x_msg_size | AQ cross single message buffer size | 32768 |
_aqsharded_cache_limit | Limit for cached enqueue/dequeue operations | 0 |
_arch_comp_dbg_scan | archive compression scan debug | 0 |
_arch_comp_dec_block_check_dump | decompress archive compression blocks for checking and dumping | 1 |
_arch_compress_checksums | enable/disable row checksums for archive compressed blocks | FALSE |
_arch_compression | archive compression enabled | TRUE |
_arch_io_slaves | ARCH I/O slaves | 0 |
_arch_sim_mode | Change behavior of local archiving | 0 |
_array_cdb_view_enabled | array mode enabled for CDB views | TRUE |
_array_update_vector_read_enabled | Enable array update vector read | FALSE |
_ash_compression_enable | To enable or disable string compression in ASH | TRUE |
_ash_disk_filter_ratio | Ratio of the number of in-memory samples to the number of samples actually written to disk | 10 |
_ash_disk_write_enable | To enable or disable Active Session History flushing | TRUE |
_ash_dummy_test_param | Oracle internal dummy ASH parameter used ONLY for testing! | 0 |
_ash_eflush_trigger | The percentage above which if the in-memory ASH is full the emergency flusher will be triggered | 66 |
_ash_enable | To enable or disable Active Session sampling and flushing | TRUE |
_ash_min_mmnl_dump | Minimum Time interval passed to consider MMNL Dump | 90 |
_ash_progressive_flush_interval | ASH Progressive Flush interval in secs | 300 |
_ash_sample_all | To enable or disable sampling every connected session including ones waiting for idle waits | FALSE |
_ash_sampling_interval | Time interval between two successive Active Session samples in millisecs | 1000 |
_ash_size | To set the size of the in-memory Active Session History buffers | 1048618 |
_asm_access | ASM File access mechanism | auto |
_asm_access_assume_local | Assume IOS client is in the same cluster as IOS | FALSE |
_asm_acd_chunks | initial ACD chunks created | 1 |
_asm_admin_with_sysdba | Does the sysdba role have administrative privileges on ASM? | FALSE |
_asm_allow_appliance_dropdisk_noforce | Allow DROP DISK/FAILUREGROUP NOFORCE on ASM Appliances | FALSE |
_asm_allow_dangerous_unprotected_volumes | Disable checking for unprotected volumes in mirrored disk groups | FALSE |
_asm_allow_dgname_special_chars | Enable the use of special characters in diskgroup names | FALSE |
_asm_allow_foreign_siteguids | Disable checking for foreign siteguid on a given node | |
_asm_allow_lvm_resilvering | Enable disk resilvering for external redundancy | TRUE |
_asm_allow_older_clients | Allow older clients to connect to the ASM server | FALSE |
_asm_allow_only_raw_disks | Discovery only raw devices | TRUE |
_asm_allow_prepare_split | Allow database prepare and split in non-appliance mode | TRUE |
_asm_allow_small_memory_target | Allow a small memory_target for ASM instances | FALSE |
_asm_allow_system_alias_rename | if system alias renaming is allowed | FALSE |
_asm_allow_unsafe_reconnect | attempt unsafe reconnect to ASM | TRUE |
_asm_allowdegeneratemounts | Allow force-mounts of DGs w/o proper quorum | FALSE |
_asm_appliance_config_file | Appliance configuration file name | |
_asm_appliance_disable_fg_check | Disable failure group check | FALSE |
_asm_appliance_ignore_oak | Ignore OAK appliance library | FALSE |
_asm_appliance_slot_from_path | Get appliance disk slot from disk path | FALSE |
_asm_asmb_max_wait_timeout | timeout before processes are signaled with network interrupt | 6 |
_asm_asmb_rcvto | Receive timeout for ASMB in seconds | 10 |
_asm_async_scrub_reap_wait | Async scrubbing reaping IO wait in microseconds | 100000 |
_asm_audit_sp_param | ASM audit spare parameter | |
_asm_ausize | allocation unit size | 1048576 |
_asm_auto_online_interval | auto online interval | |
_asm_automatic_rezone | automatically rebalance free space across zones | TRUE |
_asm_avoid_pst_scans | Avoid PST Scans | TRUE |
_asm_blksize | metadata block size | 4096 |
_asm_br_listener_port | Bitrotter listener port for testing purpose | 51521 |
_asm_brfuzz_ios_lsnrport | IOS listener port for fuzzing with Bitrotter | 0 |
_asm_cancel_alert_time | Wait time for I/O cancel alert message (in seconds) | 600 |
_asm_cancel_delta | Delta timeout for blocking big writes in milliseconds | 75000 |
_asm_cclient_cleanup_timeout | timeout before cleaning up remote cluster clients | 300 |
_asm_check_for_misbehaving_cf_clients | check for misbehaving CF-holding clients | FALSE |
_asm_compatibility | default ASM compatibility level | |
_asm_dba_batch | ASM Disk Based Allocation Max Batch Size | 500000 |
_asm_dba_spcchk_thld | ASM Disk Based Allocation Space Check Threshold | 100000 |
_asm_dba_threshold | ASM Disk Based Allocation Threshold | 0 |
_asm_dbmsdg_nohdrchk | dbms_diskgroup.checkfile does not check block headers | FALSE |
_asm_dependency_under_cfenqueue | Send dependency request if holding CF enqueue | TRUE |
_asm_diag_dead_clients | diagnostics for dead clients | FALSE |
_asm_direct_con_expire_time | Expire time for idle direct connection to ASM instance | 120 |
_asm_disable_amdu_dump | Disable AMDU dump | FALSE |
_asm_disable_async_msgs | disable async intra-instance messaging | FALSE |
_asm_disable_dangerous_failgroup_checking | Disable checking for dubious failgroup configurations | FALSE |
_asm_disable_failgroup_count_checking | Disable checking for failure group count | FALSE |
_asm_disable_failgroup_size_checking | Disable checking for failure group size | FALSE |
_asm_disable_multiple_instance_check | Disable checking for multiple ASM instances on a given node | FALSE |
_asm_disable_patch_compat | disable DG patch compatibility checks | FALSE |
_asm_disable_proact_client_cleanup | disable proactive client cleanup | FALSE |
_asm_disable_profilediscovery | disable profile query for discovery | FALSE |
_asm_disable_request_tracer | Disable kfioRqTracer | TRUE |
_asm_disable_smr_creation | Do Not create smr | FALSE |
_asm_disable_ufg_dump | disable terminated umbilicus diagnostic | FALSE |
_asm_disable_ufgmemberkill | disable ufg member kill | FALSE |
_asm_disable_vtoc_check | Disable vtoc/sector 0 check | FALSE |
_asm_disable_vxn_map_messages | disable using vxn map messages | FALSE |
_asm_disk_repair_time | seconds to wait before dropping a failing disk | 14400 |
_asm_diskerr_traces | Number of read/write errors per disk a process can trace | 2 |
_asm_diskgroups2 | disk groups to mount automatically set 2 | |
_asm_diskgroups3 | disk groups to mount automatically set 3 | |
_asm_diskgroups4 | disk groups to mount automatically set 4 | |
_asm_emulate_nfs_disk | Emulate NFS disk test event | FALSE |
_asm_emulmax | max number of concurrent disks to emulate I /O errors | 10000 |
_asm_emultimeout | timeout before emulation begins (in 3s ticks) | 0 |
_asm_enable_batch_scrub | Allow scrubbing verification to run in batch mode | FALSE |
_asm_enable_kfios | Enable KFIOS module | FALSE |
_asm_enable_kfks | Enable KFKS module | FALSE |
_asm_enable_lostwrite_scrub | Allow lost write detection in scrubbing | FALSE |
_asm_enable_multiple_asmb | Allow the ASM client to have multiple ASMB background processes | TRUE |
_asm_enable_parity_datafile_creation | Enable parity datafiles creation | FALSE |
_asm_enable_parity_scrub | Allow scrubbing parity files | FALSE |
_asm_enable_parityfile_creation | Enable parity files creation | TRUE |
_asm_enable_repair_lostwrite_scrub | Allow repairing lost write in scrubbing | FALSE |
_asm_enable_xrov | Enable XROV capability | FALSE |
_asm_evenread | ASM Even Read level | 2 |
_asm_evenread_alpha | ASM Even Read Alpha | 0 |
_asm_evenread_alpha2 | ASM Even Read Second Alpha | 0 |
_asm_evenread_faststart | ASM Even Read Fast Start Threshold | 0 |
_asm_fail_random_rx | Randomly fail some RX enqueue gets | FALSE |
_asm_fd_cln_idle_sess_twait | Idle session time wait to run ASM FD cleanup | 60000000 |
_asm_fd_cln_on_fg | ASM stale FD cleanup on foregrounds | TRUE |
_asm_fob_tac_frequency | Timeout frequency for FOB cleanup | 9 |
_asm_force_parity_extent_check | Force parity extent integrity check | FALSE |
_asm_force_paritycheck_rebalance | Force parity extent integrity check during rebalance | FALSE |
_asm_force_quiesce | Force diskgroup quiescing | FALSE |
_asm_force_vam | force VAM for external redundancy | FALSE |
_asm_global_dump_level | System state dump level for ASM asserts | 267 |
_asm_hbeatiowait | number of secs to wait for PST Async Hbeat IO return | 120 |
_asm_hbeatwaitquantum | quantum used to compute time-to-wait for a PST Hbeat check | 2 |
_asm_healthcheck_timeout | seconds until health check takes action | 180 |
_asm_idn_processes | number of global open processes | 0 |
_asm_imbalance_tolerance | hundredths of a percentage of inter-disk imbalance to tolerate | 3 |
_asm_instlock_quota | ASM Instance Lock Quota | 0 |
_asm_ios_network_domains | number of domains in ASM IOSERVER instance | 0 |
_asm_ios_network_processes | number network processes per domain in ASM IOSERVER instance | 0 |
_asm_iosconnect_timeout | Time (in 3secs multiples) before db gives up on connecting to IOS | 0 |
_asm_iostat_latch_count | ASM I/O statistics latch count | 31 |
_asm_iowp_max_async | maximum async IOs per IO worker process | 0 |
_asm_kfdpevent | KFDP event | 0 |
_asm_kill_unresponsive_clients | kill unresponsive ASM clients | TRUE |
_asm_libraries | library search order for discovery | ufs |
_asm_log_scale_rebalance | Rebalance power uses logarithmic scale | FALSE |
_asm_lsod_bucket_size | ASM lsod bucket size | 67 |
_asm_max_aux_cods | maximum number of auxiliary cods in sparse disk groups | 5 |
_asm_max_clients | maximum number of clients this IOS instance can service | 1000 |
_asm_max_cod_strides | maximum number of COD strides | 10 |
_asm_max_connected_clients | The high water mark value for connected clients | 3 |
_asm_max_parallelios | Maximum simultaneous outstanding IOs | 256 |
_asm_max_redo_buffer_size | asm maximum redo buffer size | 2097152 |
_asm_maxio | Maximum size of individual I/O request | 1048576 |
_asm_min_compatibility | default mininum ASM compatibility level | |
_asm_netp_factor | number of network processes per net | 0 |
_asm_netp_iosize | maximum io size | 0 |
_asm_network_timeout | Keepalive timeout for ASM network connections | 1 |
_asm_networks | ASM network subnet addresses | |
_asm_node_site_guid | ASM site GUID of node | |
_asm_nodekill_escalate_time | secs until escalating to nodekill if fence incomplete | 180 |
_asm_noevenread_diskgroups | List of disk groups having even read disabled | |
_asm_oda_type | ODA Type | |
_asm_odapremchk | Check premature storage for ODA | TRUE |
_asm_offload_all | Offload all write operations to Exadata cells, when supported | FALSE |
_asm_partner_target_disk_part | target maximum number of disk partners for repartnering | 8 |
_asm_partner_target_fg_rel | target maximum number of failure group relationships for repartnering | 4 |
_asm_primary_load | Number of cycles/extents to load for non-mirrored files | 1 |
_asm_primary_load_cycles | True if primary load is in cycles, false if extent counts | TRUE |
_asm_procs_trace_diskerr | Number of processes allowed to trace a disk failure | 5 |
_asm_proxy_online_restart | Allow patching while ADVM volumes are online | 0 |
_asm_proxy_startwait | Maximum time to wait for ASM proxy connection | 60 |
_asm_pstonpartners | Select ideal PST disks following partnership | TRUE |
_asm_random_zone | Random zones for new files | FALSE |
_asm_read_cancel | Read cancel timeout in milliseconds | AUTO |
_asm_read_cancel_back_out | Time period in milliseconds when no reads are issued to a disk after a read is cancelled | 5000 |
_asm_rebalance_estimates_process | Perform rebalance estimates in ARB-A process | TRUE |
_asm_rebalance_plan_size | maximum rebalance work unit | 120 |
_asm_rebalance_space_errors | number of out of space errors allowed before aborting rebalance | 1000 |
_asm_reloc_cic | Allow relocation during rolling migration | FALSE |
_asm_relocation_async_lock_count | limit of asynchronous map locks during relocation | 128 |
_asm_relocation_ignore_hard_failure | ignore HARD for relocation | 0 |
_asm_relocation_scheme | ASM allocation / relocation scheme | alloc_p2 alloc_s3 reb_p2 reb_s1 bal_p2 bal_s3 prep_p2 prep_s3 |
_asm_relocation_trace | enable extent relocation tracing | FALSE |
_asm_remote_client_timeout | timeout before killing disconnected remote clients | 300 |
_asm_repairquantum | quantum (in 3s) used to compute elapsed time for disk drop | 60 |
_asm_reserve_slaves | reserve ASM slaves for CF txns | TRUE |
_asm_resyncCkpt | number of extents to resync before flushing checkpoint | 1024 |
_asm_root_directory | ASM default root directory | ASM |
_asm_runtime_capability_volume_support | runtime capability for volume support returns supported | FALSE |
_asm_scrub_async | Enable asynchronous scrubbing | TRUE |
_asm_scrub_disable_cod | Disable scrubbing COD | FALSE |
_asm_scrub_limit | ASM disk scrubbing power | AUTO |
_asm_scrub_strict | Enable strict scrubbing mode | FALSE |
_asm_scrub_unmatched_dba | Scrub maximum number of blocks with unmatched DBA | 1024 |
_asm_secondary_load | Number of cycles/extents to load for mirrored files | 10000 |
_asm_secondary_load_cycles | True if secondary load is in cycles, false if extent counts | FALSE |
_asm_serialize_volume_rebalance | Serialize volume rebalance | FALSE |
_asm_shadow_cycle | Inverse shadow cycle requirement | 3 |
_asm_skip_dbfile_ios | Skip I/Os to database files (do only ASM metadata I/O) | FALSE |
_asm_skip_diskval_check | skip client side discovery for disk revalidate | FALSE |
_asm_skip_rename_check | skip the checking of the clients for s/w compatibility for rename | FALSE |
_asm_skip_resize_check | skip the checking of the clients for s/w compatibility for resize | FALSE |
_asm_storagemaysplit | PST Split Possible | FALSE |
_asm_stripesize | ASM file stripe size | 131072 |
_asm_stripewidth | ASM file stripe width | 8 |
_asm_sync_rebalance | Rebalance uses sync I/O | FALSE |
_asm_tcp_user_timeout | TCP_USER_TIMEOUT in minutes | 1 |
_asm_trace_limit_timeout | Time-out in milliseconds to reset the number of traces per disk and the number of processes allowed to trace | 30000 |
_asm_ufg_nw_wait_timeout | seconds to start health check on unresponsive clients | 10 |
_asm_usd_batch | ASM USD Update Max Batch Size | 64 |
_asm_wait_time | Max/imum time to wait before asmb exits | 18 |
_asm_write_badfdata_in_contentcheck | Write BADFDA7A in content check | FALSE |
_asm_write_cancel | Write timeout in milliseconds | AUTO |
_asm_xrov_nstats | Specify number of IOs before stats | 0 |
_asm_xrov_nvios | Specify number of VIO processes | 24 |
_asm_xrov_rsnmod | Specify ‘reason’ mode | 2 |
_asm_xrov_single | Enable single issues of IOs | FALSE |
_asm_zero_power_limit | allow setting zero power limit | |
_asmsid | ASM instance id | asm |
_assert_encrypted_tablespace_blocks | if TRUE, assert encrypted tablespace blocks must be encrypted | TRUE |
_assm_default | ASSM default | TRUE |
_assm_examination_blocks_threshold | ASSM get space number of fuzzy blocks to examine | 8196 |
_assm_examination_enable_sla | ASSM get space enable examination limits | FALSE |
_assm_examination_time_threshold | ASSM get space examination time threshold in seconds | 60 |
_assm_force_fetchmeta | enable metadata block fetching in ASSM segment scan | FALSE |
_assm_high_gsp_threshold | Number of blocks rejected before growing segment | 11024 |
_assm_l1cleanout_throttle_time | L1 bitmap block cleanout throttle time in seconds | 3 |
_assm_latency_sampling_frequency | ASSM Latency sampling frequency in seconds | 0 |
_assm_low_gsp_threshold | Number of blocks rejected before collecting stats | 10000 |
_assm_segment_extension_percent | Percent of full blocks after which segment is extended | 100 |
_assm_segment_repair_bg | ASSM Segment repair: bg enable | TRUE |
_assm_segment_repair_fg | ASSM Segment repair: fg | 0 |
_assm_segment_repair_maxblks | ASSM Segment repair: Max blocks per slave | 4294967294 |
_assm_segment_repair_timelimit | ASSM Segment repair: Max time in seconds per slave | 60 |
_assm_space_cache_hb_expire | Seconds after which higher order bitmaps expire from space cache | 3 |
_assm_space_cache_max_segments | ASSM Maximum Segments to Track | 1024 |
_assm_test_force_rej | assm min number of blocks to cbk-reject | 0 |
_assm_test_force_rej2 | assm min number of blocks to kdt-reject | 0 |
_assm_test_reentrant_gsp | assm test reentrant gsp | FALSE |
_async_recovery_claims | if TRUE, issue recovery claims asynchronously | TRUE |
_async_recovery_reads | if TRUE, issue recovery reads asynchronously | TRUE |
_async_rta_broadcast | asynchronously broadcast RTA boundary | FALSE |
_async_scn_sync | Asynchronous SCN Sync Setting | OFF |
_async_ts_threshold | check tablespace thresholds asynchronously | 1 |
_atp_block_size_default | ATP setting block size to 8K | TRUE |
_auto_assign_cg_for_sessions | auto assign CGs for sessions | FALSE |
_auto_bmr | enable/disable Auto BMR | enabled |
_auto_bmr_bg_time | Auto BMR Process Run Time | 3600 |
_auto_bmr_fc_time | Auto BMR Flood Control Time | 60 |
_auto_bmr_file_header | Enable Auto BMR for file header fix | TRUE |
_auto_bmr_max_rowno | x$krbabrstat Max number of rows | 1024 |
_auto_bmr_noretry_window | Auto BMR NoRetry Window | 1800 |
_auto_bmr_pub_timeout | Auto BMR Publish Timeout | 10 |
_auto_bmr_req_timeout | Auto BMR Requester Timeout | 60 |
_auto_bmr_sess_threshold | Auto BMR Request Session Threshold | 30 |
_auto_bmr_sys_threshold | Auto BMR Request System Threshold | 100 |
_auto_dismount_on_pdb_close | Enable implicit PDB dismount on PDB close | FALSE |
_auto_export_preplugin_backup | auto export pre-plugin backup | TRUE |
_auto_manage_enable_offline_check | perodically check for OFFLINE disks and attempt to ONLINE | TRUE |
_auto_manage_enable_smart_rebalance | OFFLINE instead of DROP disk(s) when free space is not enough for rebalance | TRUE |
_auto_manage_exadata_disks | Automate Exadata disk management | TRUE |
_auto_manage_infreq_tout | TEST: Set infrequent timeout action to run at this interval, unit is seconds | 0 |
_auto_manage_ioctl_bufsz | oss_ioctl buffer size, to read and respond to cell notifications | 8192 |
_auto_manage_max_online_tries | Max. attempts to auto ONLINE an ASM disk | 3 |
_auto_manage_num_pipe_msgs | Max. number of out-standing msgs in the KXDAM pipe | 1000 |
_auto_manage_num_tries | Num. tries before giving up on a automation operation | 2 |
_auto_manage_online_tries_expire_time | Allow Max. attempts to auto ONLINE an ASM disk after lapsing this time (unit in seconds) | 86400 |
_auto_manage_smart_rebalance_grace_period_in_min | Number of minutes waited after ASM diskgroup free space increases and becomes sufficient for rebalance before dropping an ASM disk offlined due to insufficient free space | 0 |
_auto_manage_smart_rebalance_space_threshold | Percentage of ASM diskgroup free space required for rebalance | 0 |
_auto_rcv_pdb_open | enable automatic recovery during pdb open | 1 |
_auto_rekey_during_mrcv | enable automatic rekey during media recovery | TRUE |
_auto_start_pdb_services | Automatically start all PDB services on PDB Open | FALSE |
_automatic_maintenance_test | Enable AUTOTASK Test Mode | 0 |
_automemory_broker_interval | memory broker statistics gathering interval for auto memory | 3 |
_autotask_max_window | Maximum Logical Maintenance Window Length in minutes | 480 |
_autotask_min_window | Minimum Maintenance Window Length in minutes | 15 |
_autotask_test_action | test action parameter for AUTOTASK | 0 |
_autotask_test_name | Name of current Autotask Test (or test step) | N/A |
_autotbs_management_enabled | allow automatic tablespace management | FALSE |
_autotune_gtx_idle_time | idle time to trigger auto-shutdown a gtx background process | 600 |
_autotune_gtx_interval | interval to autotune global transaction background processes | 5 |
_autotune_gtx_threshold | auto-tune threshold for degree of global transaction concurrency | 60 |
_aux_dfc_keep_time | auxiliary datafile copy keep time in minutes | 1440 |
_available_core_count | number of cores for this instance | 0 |
_avoid_scn_growth | enable scn growth optimizations | 1 |
_awr_cdbperf_threshold | Setting for AWR CDBPERF Threshold | 21 |
_awr_corrupt_mode | AWR Corrupt Mode | FALSE |
_awr_disabled_flush_tables | Disable flushing of specified AWR tables | |
_awr_disabled_purge_tables | Disable purging of specified AWR tables | |
_awr_enable_pdb_snapshots | Enable/Disable AWR PDB level snapshots | TRUE |
_awr_flush_threshold_metrics | Enable/Disable Flushing AWR Threshold Metrics | TRUE |
_awr_flush_workload_metrics | Enable/Disable Flushing AWR Workload Metrics | FALSE |
_awr_incremental_flush_enabled | Enable/Disable AWR automatic incremental flushing | TRUE |
_awr_metrics_use_mmnl | Use MMNL or other background process for AWR metrics | FALSE |
_awr_mmon_cpuusage | Enable/disable AWR MMON CPU Usage Tracking | TRUE |
_awr_mmon_deep_purge_all_expired | Allows deep purge to purge AWR data for all expired snapshots | FALSE |
_awr_mmon_deep_purge_extent | Set extent of rows to check each deep purge run | 7 |
_awr_mmon_deep_purge_interval | Set interval for deep purge of AWR contents | 7 |
_awr_mmon_deep_purge_numrows | Set max number of rows per table to delete each deep purge run | 5000 |
_awr_partition_interval | Setting for AWR Partition Interval | 0 |
_awr_pdb_registration_enabled | Parameter to enable/disable AWR PDB Registration | FALSE |
_awr_restrict_mode | AWR Restrict Mode | FALSE |
_awr_snapshot_level | Set Default AWR snapshot level | BESTFIT |
_awr_sql_child_limit | Setting for AWR SQL Child Limit | 200 |
_awr_warehouse_enabled | Enable/Disable AWR warehouse functionality | FALSE |
_b_tree_bitmap_plans | enable the use of bitmap plans for tables w. only B-tree indexes | TRUE |
_ba_cf_trace_buffer_size | size of per-process I/O KBC trace buffer | 131072 |
_ba_container_filesystem_ausize | allocation unit size for Backup Appliance containers | 4194304 |
_ba_max_containers | maximum number of Backup Appliance containers | 0 |
_ba_max_groups | maximum number of Backup Appliance container groups | 0 |
_ba_max_seg_bytes | maximum number of bytes per array segment | 4000 |
_ba_timeouts_enabled | enable timeouts | TRUE |
_background_process_opts | Misc BG procs parameter | 0 |
_backup_align_write_io | align backup write I/Os | TRUE |
_backup_appliance_enabled | Backup Appliance Enabled | FALSE |
_backup_automatic_retry | automatic retry on backup write errors | 10 |
_backup_block0 | backup block0 | default |
_backup_bool_spare1 | backup bool spare1 | FALSE |
_backup_bool_spare2 | backup bool spare2 | FALSE |
_backup_bool_spare3 | backup bool spare3 | FALSE |
_backup_bool_spare4 | backup bool spare4 | FALSE |
_backup_compress | turn on backup compression always | FALSE |
_backup_disk_bufcnt | number of buffers used for DISK channels | 0 |
_backup_disk_bufsz | size of buffers used for DISK channels | 0 |
_backup_disk_io_slaves | BACKUP Disk I/O slaves | 0 |
_backup_dynamic_buffers | dynamically compute backup/restore buffer sizes | TRUE |
_backup_encrypt_opt_mode | specifies encryption block optimization mode | 4294967294 |
_backup_file_bufcnt | number of buffers used for file access | 0 |
_backup_file_bufsz | size of buffers used for file access | 0 |
_backup_int_spare1 | backup int spare1 | 4294967294 |
_backup_int_spare2 | backup int spare2 | 4294967294 |
_backup_int_spare3 | backup int spare3 | 4294967294 |
_backup_int_spare4 | backup int spare4 | 4294967294 |
_backup_io_pool_size | memory to reserve from the large pool | 1048576 |
_backup_kgc_bz2_bufsz | specifies buffer size to be used by BZ2 compression | 0 |
_backup_kgc_bz2_niters | specifies number of iterations done by BZ2 compression | 0 |
_backup_kgc_bz2_type | specifies type used by BZ2 compression | 0 |
_backup_kgc_bzip2_blksiz | specifies buffer size to be used by BZIP2 compression | 9 |
_backup_kgc_lzo_bufsz | specifies buffer size to be used by LZO compression | 262144 |
_backup_kgc_medium_scheme | specifies medium compression scheme | DEFAULT |
_backup_kgc_scheme | specifies compression scheme | ZLIB |
_backup_kgc_zlib_complevel | specifies compression (performance) level for ZLIB compression | 1 |
_backup_kgc_zlib_memlevel | specifies memory level for ZLIB compression | 8 |
_backup_kgc_zlib_windowbits | specifies window size for ZLIB compression | 15 |
_backup_kgc_zstd_bufsz | specifies buffer size to be used by ZSTD compression | 262144 |
_backup_kgc_zstd_complevel | specifies compression (performance) level for ZSTD compression | 3 |
_backup_ksfq_bufcnt | number of buffers used for backup/restore | 0 |
_backup_ksfq_bufmem_max | maximum amount of memory (in bytes) used for buffers for backup/restore | 268435456 |
_backup_ksfq_bufsz | size of buffers used for backup/restore | 0 |
_backup_max_gap_size | largest gap in an incremental/optimized backup buffer, in bytes | 4294967294 |
_backup_max_wallet_session | specifies maximum wallet session for backup | 50 |
_backup_min_ct_unused_optim | mimimun size in bytes of change tracking to apply unused space optimuzation | 2097152 |
_backup_seq_bufcnt | number of buffers used for non-DISK channels | 0 |
_backup_seq_bufsz | size of buffers used for non-DISK channels | 0 |
_backup_text_spare1 | backup text spare1 | |
_backup_text_spare2 | backup text spare2 | |
_backup_text_spare3 | backup text spare3 | |
_backup_text_spare4 | backup text spare4 | |
_bct_bitmaps_per_file | number of bitmaps to store for each datafile | 8 |
_bct_buffer_allocation_max | maximum size of all change tracking buffer allocations, in bytes | 104857600 |
_bct_buffer_allocation_min_extents | mininum number of extents to allocate per buffer allocation | 1 |
_bct_buffer_allocation_size | size of one change tracking buffer allocation, in bytes | 2097152 |
_bct_chunk_size | change tracking datafile chunk size, in bytes | 0 |
_bct_crash_reserve_size | change tracking reserved crash recovery SGA space, in bytes | 262144 |
_bct_file_block_size | block size of change tracking file, in bytes | 0 |
_bct_file_extent_size | extent size of change tracking file, in bytes | 0 |
_bct_fixtab_file | change tracking file for fixed tables | |
_bct_health_check_interval | CTWR health check interval (seconds), zero to disable | 60 |
_bct_initial_private_dba_buffer_size | initial number of entries in the private change tracking dba buffers | 0 |
_bct_mrp_timeout | CTWR MRP wait timeout (seconds), zero to wait forever | 600 |
_bct_public_dba_buffer_dynresize | allow dynamic resizing of public dba buffers, zero to disable | 2 |
_bct_public_dba_buffer_maxsize | max buffer size permitted for public dba buffers, in bytes | 0 |
_bct_public_dba_buffer_size | total size of all public change tracking dba buffers, in bytes | 0 |
_bequeath_via_broker | Bequeath connections via broker | FALSE |
_bg_spawn_diag_opts | background processes spawn diagnostic options | 0 |
_big_scn_test_mode | testing mode for BigSCN | 2 |
_bigdata_external_table | enables use of ORACLE_HIVE and ORACLE_HDFS access drivers | TRUE |
_bigram_dependency_percentage | Bigram dependency percentage | 5 |
_bitmap_or_improvement_enabled | controls extensions to partition pruning for general predicates | TRUE |
_block_dump_assert | Encrypted block dump assert | FALSE |
_block_level_offload_high_lat_thresh | High Latency Threshold for Block Level Offload operations | 40000 |
_block_sample_readahead_prob_threshold | controls readahead value during block sampling | 10 |
_blockhm_flush_period | Block heat map background flush period | 3600 |
_blocking_sess_graph_cache_size | blocking session graph cache size in bytes | |
_blocks_per_cache_server | number of consecutive blocks per global cache server | 16 |
_bloom_extent_size | bloom filter extent size in bytes | 0 |
_bloom_filter_debug | debug level for bloom filtering | 0 |
_bloom_filter_enabled | enables or disables bloom filter | TRUE |
_bloom_filter_ratio | bloom filter filtering ratio | 35 |
_bloom_filter_setops_enabled | Allow bloom filter to be pushed through set operations | TRUE |
_bloom_filter_size | bloom filter vector size (in KB) | 0 |
_bloom_folding_density | bloom filter folding density lower bound | 16 |
_bloom_folding_enabled | Enable folding of bloom filter | TRUE |
_bloom_folding_min | bloom filter folding size lower bound (in KB) | 0 |
_bloom_max_size | maximum bloom filter size (in KB) | 262144 |
_bloom_max_wait_time | bloom filter wait time upper bound (in ms) | 50 |
_bloom_minmax_enabled | enable or disable bloom min max filtering | TRUE |
_bloom_predicate_enabled | enables or disables bloom filter predicate pushdown | TRUE |
_bloom_predicate_offload | enables or disables bloom filter predicate offload to cells | TRUE |
_bloom_pruning_enabled | Enable partition pruning using bloom filtering | TRUE |
_bloom_pruning_setops_enabled | Allow bloom pruning to be pushed through set operations | TRUE |
_bloom_pushing_max | bloom filter pushing size upper bound (in KB) | 512 |
_bloom_pushing_total_max | bloom filter combined pushing size upper bound (in KB) | 262144 |
_bloom_rm_filter | remove bloom predicate in favor of zonemap join pruning predicate | FALSE |
_bloom_serial_filter | enable serial bloom filter on exadata | ON |
_bloom_sm_enabled | enable bloom filter optimization using slave mapping | TRUE |
_bloom_use_shared_pool | use shared pool for bloom filter | FALSE |
_bloom_wait_on_rac | enables bloom filter (with hash hash distribution) wait on RAC | FALSE |
_bps_sanity_checks | enable BPS sanity checks | FALSE |
_branch_tagging | enable branch tagging for distributed transaction | TRUE |
_broadcast_scn_mode | broadcast-on-commit scn mode | 1 |
_broadcast_scn_wait_timeout | broadcast-on-commit scn wait timeout in centiseconds | 10 |
_bsln_adaptive_thresholds_enabled | Adaptive Thresholds Enabled | TRUE |
_bt_mmv_query_rewrite_enabled | allow rewrites with multiple MVs and base tables | TRUE |
_buddy_instance | buddy instance control | 1 |
_buddy_instance_num_read_buffers | Num of Read Buffers to scan everytime in Buddy Instance feature | 4 |
_buddy_instance_scan_phase_threshold | Threshold (in secs) to let RMS0 construct the recovery set | 3 |
_buddy_instance_start_rba_timeout | Time-out for re-computing Start RBA in Buddy Instance feature | 9 |
_buffer_busy_wait_timeout | buffer busy wait time in centiseconds | 100 |
_buffered_message_spill_age | Buffered message spill age | 300 |
_buffered_publisher_flow_control_threshold | Flow control threshold for buffered publishers except capture | 0 |
_bufq_stop_flow_control | Stop enforcing flow control for buffered queues | FALSE |
_bug29274428_modsvc_call_out_enabled | one-hundred-and-forty-third spare parameter – boolean | FALSE |
_build_deferred_mv_skipping_mvlog_update | DEFERRED MV creation skipping MV log setup update | TRUE |
_bump_highwater_mark_count | how many blocks should we allocate per free list on advancing HWM | 0 |
_bwr_for_flushed_pi | if TRUE, generate a BWR for a flushed PI | TRUE |
_bypass_srl_for_so_eor | bypass SRL for S/O EOR logs | FALSE |
_bypass_xplatform_error | bypass datafile header cross-platform-compliance errors | FALSE |
_c3_external_scn_rejection_threshold_hours | Lag in hours between max allowed SCN and an external SCN | 4464 |
_cache_fusion_pipelined_updates | Block ping without wait for log force | TRUE |
_cache_orl_during_open | cache online logs | ALL |
_cache_stats_monitor | if TRUE, enable cache stats monitoring | FALSE |
_capability_simulate | Simulate the capabilities for testing | |
_capture_buffer_size | To set the size of the PGA I/O recording buffers | 65536 |
_capture_pgadep | capture statements at this pgadep | 0 |
_capture_publisher_flow_control_threshold | Flow control threshold for capture publishers | 0 |
_case_sensitive_logon | case sensitive logon enabled | TRUE |
_catalog_foreign_restore | catalog foreign file restore | FALSE |
_causal_standby_wait_timeout | Causal standby wait timeout | 20 |
_cdb_compatible | CDB Compatible | TRUE |
_cdb_cross_container | Debug flag for cross container operations | 65535 |
_cdb_disable_pdb_limit | CDB Compatible | FALSE |
_cdb_fleet_sync_timeout | Time in minutes to wait for sync of stub entry in CDB Fleet | 10 |
_cdb_port | Port number for CDB | 0 |
_cdb_rac_affinity | rac affinity for parallel cdb operations | TRUE |
_cdb_special_old_xplan | display old-style plan for CDB special fixed table | TRUE |
_cdb_spfile_inherit | Inherit CDB Spfile enabled/disabled in a PDB | FALSE |
_cdb_view_no_skip_migrate | do not skip OPEN MIGRATE PDBs from results of CONTAINERS() | FALSE |
_cdb_view_no_skip_restricted | do not skip RESTRICTED mode PDBs from results of CONTAINERS() | FALSE |
_cdb_view_parallel_degree | Parallel degree for a CDB view query | 65535 |
_cdb_view_prefetch_batch_size | Batch Size for Prefetch for a CDB view query | 200 |
_cdb_view_rc_shelflife | Result Cache Shelflife for a CDB view query | 30 |
_cdb_view_recursive_px_enabled | enable parallelism of recursive SQL under CONTAINERS() | TRUE |
_cdc_subscription_owner | Change Data Capture subscription_owner | |
_cdmp_diagnostic_level | cdmp directory diagnostic level | 2 |
_cell_fast_file_create | Allow optimized file creation path for Cells | TRUE |
_cell_fast_file_restore | Allow optimized rman restore for Cells | TRUE |
_cell_file_format_chunk_size | Cell file format chunk size in MB | 0 |
_cell_index_scan_enabled | enable CELL processing of index FFS | TRUE |
_cell_materialize_all_expressions | Force materialization of all offloadable expressions on the cells | FALSE |
_cell_materialize_virtual_columns | enable offload of expressions underlying virtual columns to cells | TRUE |
_cell_object_expiration_hours | flashcache object expiration timeout | 24 |
_cell_offload_backup_compression | enable offload of backup compression to cells | TRUE |
_cell_offload_capabilities_enabled | specifies capability table to load | 1 |
_cell_offload_complex_processing | enable complex SQL processing offload to cells | TRUE |
_cell_offload_expressions | enable offload of expressions to cells | TRUE |
_cell_offload_grand_total | allow offload of grand total aggregations | TRUE |
_cell_offload_hybrid_processing | enable hybrid SQL processing offload to cells | TRUE |
_cell_offload_hybridcolumnar | Query offloading of hybrid columnar compressed tables to exadata | TRUE |
_cell_offload_predicate_reordering_enabled | enable out-of-order SQL processing offload to cells | FALSE |
_cell_offload_sys_context | enable offload of SYS_CONTEXT evaluation to cells | TRUE |
_cell_offload_timezone | enable timezone related SQL processing offload to cells | TRUE |
_cell_offload_vector_groupby | enable SQL processing offload of vector group by | TRUE |
_cell_offload_vector_groupby_fact_key | enable cell offload of vector group by with fact grouping keys | TRUE |
_cell_offload_vector_groupby_force | force offload of vector group by | FALSE |
_cell_offload_vector_groupby_withnojoin | allow offload of vector group by without joins | TRUE |
_cell_offload_virtual_columns | enable offload of predicates on virtual columns to cells | TRUE |
_cell_range_scan_enabled | enable CELL processing of index range scans | TRUE |
_cell_storidx_minmax_enabled | enable Storage Index Min/Max optimization on the cells | TRUE |
_cell_storidx_mode | Cell Storage Index mode | EVA |
_cellcache_clause_default | Default cellcache clause for new tables | |
_cellcache_default_flags | Default flags based on cellcache_clause_default | 2 |
_cellcache_default_new | Force cellcache on new tables | FALSE |
_cgs_allgroup_poll_time | CGS DBALL group polling interval in milli-seconds | 20000 |
_cgs_big_group_enabled | big group membership support | FALSE |
_cgs_combine_css_events | CGS registration flags for CSS event combining | 7 |
_cgs_comm_readiness_check | CGS communication readiness check | 1 |
_cgs_dball_group_registration | CGS DBALL group registration type | local |
_cgs_dbgroup_poll_time | CGS DB group polling interval in milli-seconds | 600 |
_cgs_health_check_in_reconfig | CGS health check during reconfiguration | FALSE |
_cgs_memberkill_from_rim_instance | allow a RIM instance to issue a CSS member kill | FALSE |
_cgs_msg_batch_size | CGS message batch size in bytes | 4096 |
_cgs_msg_batching | CGS message batching | TRUE |
_cgs_node_kill_escalation | CGS node kill escalation to CSS | TRUE |
_cgs_node_kill_escalation_wait | CGS wait time to escalate node kill to CSS in seconds | 0 |
_cgs_os_level_connection_check | allow OS level connection and interface check | 1 |
_cgs_os_level_connection_dynamicthread | allow oraping to spawn more threads than the default. | TRUE |
_cgs_os_level_connection_reqno | number of ping rqst to process at once, threads created | 0 |
_cgs_publish_netinfo_collect_event_chm | enable cgs publish collect_netinfo event to event stream for CHM | rcfg-half-timeout,rcfg-timeout,rcfg-done,idleconn-half-timeout,idleconn-timeout-imr,idleconn-cln |
_cgs_publish_netinfo_collect_event_haip | enable cgs publish collect_netinfo event to event stream for HAIP | TRUE |
_cgs_reconfig_extra_wait | CGS reconfiguration extra wait time for CSS in seconds | 3 |
_cgs_reconfig_timeout | CGS reconfiguration timeout interval | 0 |
_cgs_send_timeout | CGS send timeout value | 300 |
_cgs_support_rim_disc | rim instance disconnect and reconnect event support | TRUE |
_cgs_ticket_sendback | CGS ticket active sendback percentage threshold | 50 |
_cgs_tickets | CGS messaging tickets | 1000 |
_cgs_zombie_member_kill_wait | CGS zombie member kill wait time in seconds | 20 |
_change_vector_buffers | Number of change vector buffers for media recovery | 1 |
_change_vector_read_sample_ratio | Sample ratio of change vector read timestamp on ADG | 0 |
_check_block_after_checksum | perform block check after checksum if both are turned on | TRUE |
_check_block_new_invariant_for_flashback | check block new invariant for flashback | FALSE |
_check_column_length | check column length | TRUE |
_check_pdbid_in_redo | Enable checking of pluggable database ID in redo | FALSE |
_check_ts_threshold | check tablespace thresholds | 0 |
_child_read_ahead_dba_check | if TRUE, assert child read ahead dba to be continuous of parent | FALSE |
_cleanout_shrcur_buffers | if TRUE, cleanout shrcur buffers | TRUE |
_cleanup_rollback_entries | no. of undo entries to apply per transaction cleanup | 100 |
_cleanup_timeout | timeout value for PMON cleanup | 150 |
_cleanup_timeout_flags | flags for PMON cleanup timeout | 0 |
_clear_buffer_before_reuse | Always zero-out buffer before reuse for security | FALSE |
_clear_preserved_buffers | Clear preserved buffers before DB reopen after switchover | TRUE |
_cli_cachebktalloc | Percentage of memory to allocate | 100 |
_client_enable_auto_unregister | enable automatic unregister after a send fails with timeout | FALSE |
_client_features_tracking_enable | track client feature uage | TRUE |
_client_ntfn_cleanup_interval | interval after which dead client registration cleanup task repeats | 2400 |
_client_ntfn_pinginterval | time between pings to unreachable notification clients | 75 |
_client_ntfn_pingretries | number of times to ping unreachable notification clients | 6 |
_client_ntfn_pingtimeout | timeout to connect to unreachable notification clients | 30000 |
_client_result_cache_bypass | bypass the client result cache | FALSE |
_client_result_cache_ramthreshold | client_result_cache_ramthreshold | |
_client_result_set_threshold | client_result_set_threshold | |
_client_tstz_error_check | Should Client give error for suspect Timestamp with Timezone operations | TRUE |
_clone_during_split | if TRUE, clone buffer during index split | TRUE |
_clone_one_pdb_recovery | Recover ROOT and only one PDB in clone database | FALSE |
_close_cached_open_cursors | close cursors cached by PL/SQL at each commit | FALSE |
_close_deq_by_cond_curs | Close Dequeue By Condition Cursors | FALSE |
_cloud_name | gsm cloud name | |
_cloud_service_sim | simulate cloud services in Database | 0 |
_cloud_service_type | cloud service type | |
_cluster_flash_cache_slave_file | cluster flash cache slave file for default block size | |
_cluster_flash_cache_slave_size | cluster flash cache slave file size for default block size | 0 |
_cluster_instances_number | number of instances to calculate number of resource buckets | 4 |
_cluster_library | cluster library selection | clss |
_clusterwide_global_transactions | enable/disable clusterwide global transactions | TRUE |
_collapse_wait_history | collapse wait history | FALSE |
_collect_tempundo_stats | Collect Statistics v$tempundostat | TRUE |
_collect_undo_stats | Collect Statistics v$undostat | TRUE |
_column_compression_factor | Column compression ratio | 0 |
_column_elimination_off | turn off predicate-only column elimination | FALSE |
_column_level_stats | Turn column statistics collection on or off | OFF |
_column_stats_flush_interval | column-level statistics flush to disk interval | 60 |
_column_stats_max_entries_per_stat | column-level statistics max entries saved per stat type | 5 |
_column_stats_mem_limit | percentage of the max shared pool column-level statistics can use – internal | 10 |
_column_tracking_level | column usage tracking | 53 |
_common_data_view_enabled | common objects returned through dictionary views | TRUE |
_common_user_prefix | Enforce restriction on a prefix of a Common User/Role/Profile name | C## |
_compilation_call_heap_extent_size | Size of the compilation call heaps extents | 16384 |
_complex_view_merging | enable complex view merging | TRUE |
_component_timing | Oracle parameter used for component tracking and timing | |
_composite_interval_partition_creation_opt_enabled | when creating interval/auto list partitions, defer subpartition segment creation until a row for the subpartition is inserted | TRUE |
_compression_above_cache | number of recompression above cache for sanity check | 0 |
_compression_advisor | Compression advisor | 0 |
_compression_chain | percentage of chained rows allowed for Compression | 90 |
_compression_compatibility | Compression compatibility | 19.0.0 |
_con_map_sql_enforcement | disable container map SQL enforcement | TRUE |
_concurrency_chosen | what is the chosen value of concurrency | 10 |
_connect_by_use_union_all | use union all for connect by | TRUE |
_connect_string_params_after_logon_triggers | set connect string session parameters after logon triggers | 0 |
_connect_string_params_unalterable | make connect string session parameters unalterable | 0 |
_connection_broker_handout_accept | connection broker accepts prior to handout | FALSE |
_connection_broker_host | connection broker host for listen address | localhost |
_containers_multiple_ptn_key | enable multiple partition keys for container views | TRUE |
_controlfile_auto_convert_behaviour | controlfile auto convert behavior for a mixed platform dataguard. | AUTO_CONVERT |
_controlfile_autobackup_delay | time delay (in seconds) for performing controlfile autobackups | 300 |
_controlfile_backup_copy_check | enable check of the copied blocks during controlfile backup copy | TRUE |
_controlfile_block_size | control file block size in bytes | 0 |
_controlfile_cell_flash_caching | Flash cache hint for control file accesses | 3 |
_controlfile_enqueue_dump | dump the system states after controlfile enqueue timeout | FALSE |
_controlfile_enqueue_holding_time | control file enqueue max holding time in seconds | 120 |
_controlfile_enqueue_holding_time_tracking_size | control file enqueue holding time tracking size | 0 |
_controlfile_enqueue_timeout | control file enqueue timeout in seconds | 900 |
_controlfile_section_init_size | control file initial section size | |
_controlfile_section_max_expand | control file max expansion rate | |
_controlfile_split_brain_check | Check for a split-brain in distributed lock manager domain | TRUE |
_controlfile_update_check | controlfile update sanity check | OFF |
_controlfile_verify_on_mount | Verify control file blocks on header error during mount | FALSE |
_convert_set_to_join | enables conversion of set operator to join | FALSE |
_coord_message_buffer | parallel recovery coordinator side extra message buffer size | 0 |
_corrupted_rollback_segments | corrupted undo segment list | |
_cost_equality_semi_join | enables costing of equality semi-join | TRUE |
_cp_num_hash_latches | connection pool number of hash latches | 1 |
_cpu_count_startup | Startup number of CPUs for this instance | 0 |
_cpu_eff_thread_multiplier | CPU effective thread multiplier | |
_cpu_to_io | divisor for converting CPU cost to I/O cost | 0 |
_cpu_util_adj_force | force cpu util adjustment | 0 |
_cpu_util_adj_target | cpu utilization adjustment target | 0 |
_cr_grant_global_role | if TRUE, grant lock for CR requests when block is in global role | TRUE |
_cr_grant_local_role | turn 3-way CR grants off, make it automatic, or turn it on | AUTO |
_cr_grant_only | if TRUE, grant locks when possible and do not send the block | FALSE |
_cr_multiblock_grant_only | if TRUE, grant locks for multiblock read when possible and do not send the block | FALSE |
_cr_server_log_flush | if TRUE, flush redo log before serving a CR buffer | TRUE |
_cr_trc_buf_size | size of cr trace buffer | 8192 |
_crash_domain_on_exception | allow domain to exit for exceptions in any thread | 0 |
_create_idx_from_constraint | allow trigger to create index from constraint | FALSE |
_create_stat_segment | create ilm statistics segment | 0 |
_create_table_in_any_cluster | allow creation of table in a cluster not owned by the user | FALSE |
_cross_con_collection | enable cross container collection | FALSE |
_cross_con_row_count | use actual row count for cross container views | FALSE |
_crs_2phase | crs 2phase | bypass |
_cstats_enabled | Core stat monitoring enabled | FALSE |
_ctx_doc_policy_stems | enable ctx_doc.policy_stems api | FALSE |
_cu_row_locking | CU row level locking | 0 |
_cursor_bind_capture_area_size | maximum size of the cursor bind capture area | 400 |
_cursor_bind_capture_interval | interval (in seconds) between two bind capture for a cursor | 900 |
_cursor_cache_time | number of seconds a session cached cursor stay in cache. | 900 |
_cursor_db_buffers_pinned | additional number of buffers a cursor can pin at once | 565 |
_cursor_diagnostic_node_agedout_count | Number of cursor-sharing diagnostic nodes to retain before reuse | 100 |
_cursor_features_enabled | Shared cursor features enabled bits. | 2 |
_cursor_obsolete_threshold | Number of cursors per parent before obsoletion. | 8192 |
_cursor_plan_enabled | enable collection and display of cursor plans | TRUE |
_cursor_plan_hash_version | version of cursor plan hash value | 1 |
_cursor_plan_unparse_enabled | enables/disables using unparse to build projection/predicates | TRUE |
_cursor_reload_failure_threshold | Number of failed reloads before marking cursor unusable | 0 |
_cursor_runtimeheap_memlimit | Shared cursor runtime heap memory limit | 5242880 |
_cursor_stats_enabled | Enable cursor stats | TRUE |
_cvw_enable_weak_checking | enable weak view checking | TRUE |
_cvw_examine_tables_in_from_list_subqry | examine tables in from list subqueries | TRUE |
_data_transfer_cache_bc_perc_x100 | Percentange * 100 of buffer cache to transfer to data transfer cache | 500 |
_data_warehousing_scan_buffers | if TRUE, enable data warehousing scan buffers | TRUE |
_data_warehousing_scan_flash_buffers | if TRUE, enable data warehousing scan flash buffers | FALSE |
_data_warehousing_serial_scan | if TRUE, enable data warehousing serial scans | TRUE |
_datafile_cow | Use copy on write snapshot for the renamed file | FALSE |
_datafile_create_min_wait_time | Minimum wait time for standby during data file creation | 0 |
_datafile_create_wait_time | Wait time for standby during data file creation | 0 |
_datafile_open_errors_crash_instance | datafile open errors crash instance | TRUE |
_datafile_write_errors_crash_instance | datafile write errors crash instance | TRUE |
_datapump_compressbas_buffer_size | specifies buffer size for BASIC compression algorithm | 0 |
_datapump_conv_pga_lim | pga limit for Data Pump conventional path bind array size | 0 |
_datapump_gather_stats_on_load | Gather table statistics during Data Pump load rather thanimporting statistics from the dump file. This should be set to TRUE in the lockdown profile in a DWCS environment. | FALSE |
_datapump_inherit_svcname | Inherit and propagate service name throughout job | TRUE |
_datapump_metadata_buffer_size | specifies buffer size for metadata file I/O | 131072 |
_datapump_tabledata_buffer_size | specifies buffer size for table data file I/O | 262144 |
_db_16k_cache_xmem_size | Size of 16k buffer pool on extended cache | 0 |
_db_16k_flash_cache_file | flash cache file for 16k block size | |
_db_16k_flash_cache_size | flash cache size for _db_16k_flash_cache_file | 0 |
_db_2k_cache_xmem_size | Size of 2k buffer pool on extended memory | 0 |
_db_2k_flash_cache_file | flash cache file for 2k block size | |
_db_2k_flash_cache_size | flash cache size for _db_2k_flash_cache_file | 0 |
_db_32k_cache_xmem_size | Size of 32k buffer pool on extended memory | 0 |
_db_32k_flash_cache_file | flash cache file for 32k block size | |
_db_32k_flash_cache_size | flash cache size for _db_32k_flash_cache_file | 0 |
_db_4k_cache_xmem_size | Size of 4k buffer pool on extended cache | 0 |
_db_4k_flash_cache_file | flash cache file for 4k block size | |
_db_4k_flash_cache_size | flash cache size for _db_4k_flash_cache_file | 0 |
_db_8k_cache_xmem_size | Size of 8k buffer pool on extended cache | 0 |
_db_8k_flash_cache_file | flash cache file for 8k block size | |
_db_8k_flash_cache_size | flash cache size for _db_8k_flash_cache_file | 0 |
_db_aging_cool_count | Touch count set when buffer cooled | 1 |
_db_aging_freeze_cr | Make CR buffers always be too cold to keep in cache | FALSE |
_db_aging_hot_criteria | Touch count which sends a buffer to head of replacement list | 2 |
_db_aging_stay_count | Touch count set when buffer moved to head of replacement list | 0 |
_db_aging_touch_time | Touch count which sends a buffer to head of replacement list | 3 |
_db_always_check_system_ts | Always perform block check and checksum for System tablespace | TRUE |
_db_block_adjcheck | adjacent cache buffer checks – low blkchk overwrite parameter | TRUE |
_db_block_adjchk_level | adjacent cache buffer check level | 0 |
_db_block_align_direct_read | Align Direct Reads | TRUE |
_db_block_bad_write_check | enable bad write checks | FALSE |
_db_block_buffers | Number of database blocks cached in memory: hidden parameter | 170346 |
_db_block_cache_history_lru | buffer header tracing for lru operations | FALSE |
_db_block_cache_protect | protect database blocks (for debugging only) | FALSE |
_db_block_cache_protect_internal | protect database blocks (for internal use only) | 0 |
_db_block_check_for_debug | Check more and dump block before image for debugging | FALSE |
_db_block_check_objtyp | check objd and typ on cache disk read | TRUE |
_db_block_chunkify_ncmbr | chunkify noncontig multi block reads | FALSE |
_db_block_corruption_recovery_threshold | threshold number of block recovery attempts | 5 |
_db_block_do_full_mbreads | do full block read even if some blocks are in cache | FALSE |
_db_block_hash_buckets | Number of database block hash buckets | 524288 |
_db_block_hash_latches | Number of database block hash latches | 4096 |
_db_block_header_guard_level | number of extra buffer headers to use as guard pages | 0 |
_db_block_hi_priority_batch_size | Fraction of writes for high priority reasons | 0 |
_db_block_iterations_for_rm | number of blocks to reduce every iteration for RM | 2000 |
_db_block_known_clean_pct | Initial Percentage of buffers to maintain known clean | 2 |
_db_block_lru_latches | number of lru latches | 9 |
_db_block_max_cr_dba | Maximum Allowed Number of CR buffers per dba | 6 |
_db_block_max_scan_pct | Percentage of buffers to inspect when looking for free | 40 |
_db_block_med_priority_batch_size | Fraction of writes for medium priority reasons | 0 |
_db_block_numa | Number of NUMA nodes | 1 |
_db_block_prefetch_fast_longjumps_enabled | Batched IO enable fast longjumps | TRUE |
_db_block_prefetch_limit | Prefetch limit in blocks | 0 |
_db_block_prefetch_override | Prefetch force override in blocks | 0 |
_db_block_prefetch_private_cache_enabled | Batched IO enable private cache | TRUE |
_db_block_prefetch_quota | Prefetch quota as a percent of cache size | 10 |
_db_block_prefetch_skip_reading_enabled | Batched IO enable skip reading buffers | TRUE |
_db_block_prefetch_wasted_threshold_perc | Allowed wasted percent threshold of prefetched size | 2 |
_db_block_scandepth_for_rm | number of blocks to reduce every iteration for RM | 20 |
_db_block_table_scan_buffer_size | Size of shared table scan read buffer | 4194304 |
_db_block_temp_redo | generate redo for temp blocks | FALSE |
_db_block_trace_protect | trace buffer protect calls | FALSE |
_db_block_vlm_check | check for mapping leaks (debugging only) | FALSE |
_db_block_vlm_leak_threshold | threshold for allowable mapping leaks | 4 |
_db_blocks_per_hash_latch | Number of blocks per hash latch | |
_db_bt_cache_only_readmostly_obj_on_roi | if TRUE, ABTC only caches read mostly objects on ROI | FALSE |
_db_cache_advice_hash_latch_multiple | cache advisory hash latch multiple | 16 |
_db_cache_advice_max_size_factor | cache advisory maximum multiple of current size to similate | 2 |
_db_cache_advice_sample_factor | cache advisory sampling factor | 4 |
_db_cache_advice_sanity_check | cache simulation sanity check | FALSE |
_db_cache_block_read_stack_trace | dump short call stack for block reads | 0 |
_db_cache_block_read_stack_trace_where1 | dump short call stack for block reads just for where1 | 0 |
_db_cache_block_read_stack_trace_where2 | dump short call stack for block reads just for where2 | 0 |
_db_cache_block_read_stack_trace_where3 | dump short call stack for block reads just for where3 | 0 |
_db_cache_crx_check | check for costly crx examination functions | FALSE |
_db_cache_max_sz | 0 | |
_db_cache_miss_check_les | check LEs after cache miss | FALSE |
_db_cache_mman_latch_check | check for wait latch get under MMAN ops in kcb | FALSE |
_db_cache_pre_warm | Buffer Cache Pre-Warm Enabled : hidden parameter | TRUE |
_db_cache_process_cr_pin_max | maximum number of cr pins a process may have | 2147483647 |
_db_cache_silicon_secured_memory | enable silicon secured memory | TRUE |
_db_cache_wait_debug | trace new kslwaits | 0 |
_db_cache_xmem_size | Size of extended memory data area for buffer cache DEFAULT pool | 0 |
_db_change_notification_enable | enable db change notification | TRUE |
_db_check_cell_hints | FALSE | |
_db_disable_temp_encryption | Disable Temp Encryption for Spills | FALSE |
_db_discard_lost_masterkey | discard lost masterkey handles | FALSE |
_db_dump_from_disk_and_efc | dump contents from disk and efc | 0 |
_db_dw_scan_adaptive_cooling | if TRUE, enable adaptive DW scan cooling | FALSE |
_db_dw_scan_max_shadow_count | DW Scan adaptive cooling max shadow count | 5 |
_db_dw_scan_obj_cooling_factor | DW Scan object cooling factor to cool all temperatures | 500 |
_db_dw_scan_obj_cooling_interval | DW Scan object cooling interval in number of scans, seconds, or pct of cache size | 100 |
_db_dw_scan_obj_cooling_policy | DW scan objtect cooling policy | CACHE_SIZE |
_db_dw_scan_obj_warming_increment | DW Scan object warming increment when an object is scanned | 1000 |
_db_fast_obj_check | enable fast object drop sanity check | FALSE |
_db_fast_obj_ckpt | enable fast object checkpoint | TRUE |
_db_fast_obj_truncate | enable fast object truncate | TRUE |
_db_file_direct_io_count | Sequential I/O buf size | 1048576 |
_db_file_exec_read_count | multiblock read count for regular clients | 128 |
_db_file_format_io_buffers | Block formatting I/O buf count | 4 |
_db_file_noncontig_mblock_read_count | number of noncontiguous db blocks to be prefetched | 11 |
_db_file_optimizer_read_count | multiblock read count for regular clients | 8 |
_db_flash_cache_disable_write_batchsize | Flash cache disable writes processing batchsize | 4096 |
_db_flash_cache_encryption | Set _db_flash_cache_encryption to enable flash cache encryption | FALSE |
_db_flash_cache_force_replenish_limit | Flash cache force replenish lower limit in buffers | 8 |
_db_flash_cache_keep_limit | Flash cache keep buffer upper limit in percentage | 80 |
_db_flash_cache_max_latency | Flash cache maximum latency allowed in 10 milliseconds | 400 |
_db_flash_cache_max_outstanding_writes | Flash cache maximum outstanding writes allowed | 32 |
_db_flash_cache_max_read_retry | Flash cache max read retry | 3 |
_db_flash_cache_max_slow_io | Flash cache maximum slow io allowed | 3 |
_db_flash_cache_slow_io_adjustment_interval | Decrement interval | 3600 |
_db_flash_cache_write_limit | Flash cache write buffer upper limit in percentage | 1 |
_db_flashback_iobuf_size | Flashback IO Buffer Size | 1 |
_db_flashback_log_min_size | Minimum flashback database log size in bytes | 16777216 |
_db_flashback_log_min_total_space | Minimum flashback database log total space in bytes | 0 |
_db_flashback_num_iobuf | Flashback Number of IO buffers | 64 |
_db_full_caching | enable full db implicit caching | TRUE |
_db_full_db_cache_diff_pct | Cache at least this % larger than DB size for full db caching | 5 |
_db_generate_dummy_masterkey | if TRUE, use old havior and generate dummy master key | FALSE |
_db_handles | System-wide simultaneous buffer operations | 3000 |
_db_handles_cached | Buffer handles cached each process | 10 |
_db_hot_block_tracking | track hot blocks for hash latch contention | FALSE |
_db_imoltp_hashidx_force_nonctg | kcbw imoltp hash index force non contig granules | 0 |
_db_index_block_checking | index block checking override parameter | TRUE |
_db_initial_cachesize_create_mb | size of cache created at startup | 256 |
_db_keep_cache_xmem_size | Size of KEEP buffer pool for standard block size buffers on extended memory | 0 |
_db_l2_tracing | flash cache debug tracing | 0 |
_db_large_dirty_queue | Number of buffers which force dirty queue to be written | 25 |
_db_link_sources_tracking | enable/disable database link source tracking | TRUE |
_db_lost_write_checking | Enable scn based lost write detection mechanism | 2 |
_db_lost_write_corrupt_block | allow corruption for lost write | FALSE |
_db_lost_write_tracing | Enable _db_lost_write_checking tracing | FALSE |
_db_minimum_auxsize_percent | min percent of aux buffers to be maintained before using aux2 | 10 |
_db_mttr_advice | MTTR advisory | ON |
_db_mttr_partitions | number of partitions for MTTR advisory | 0 |
_db_mttr_sample_factor | MTTR simulation sampling factor | 64 |
_db_mttr_sim_target | MTTR simulation targets | |
_db_mttr_sim_trace_size | MTTR simulation trace size | 256 |
_db_mttr_trace_to_alert | dump trace entries to alert file | FALSE |
_db_noarch_disble_optim | Image redo logging (NOARCHIVEMODE) | FALSE |
_db_num_evict_waitevents | number of evict wait events | 64 |
_db_num_gsm | database number in gsm dbpool | 0 |
_db_obj_enable_ksr | enable ksr in object checkpoint/reuse | TRUE |
_db_percent_hot_default | Percent of default buffer pool considered hot | 50 |
_db_percent_hot_keep | Percent of keep buffer pool considered hot | 0 |
_db_percent_hot_recycle | Percent of recycle buffer pool considered hot | 0 |
_db_percpu_create_cachesize | size of cache created per cpu in deferred cache create | 2 |
_db_prefetch_histogram_statistics | maintain prefetch histogram statistics in x$kcbprfhs | FALSE |
_db_recovery_temporal_file_dest | default database recovery temporal file location | |
_db_recycle_cache_xmem_size | Size of Recycle buffer pool for standard block size buffers on extended memory | 0 |
_db_required_percent_fairshare_usage | percent of fairshare a processor group should always use | 10 |
_db_row_overlap_checking | row overlap checking override parameter for data/index blocks | TRUE |
_db_shadow_lost_write_protect | alter shadow lost write detection for PDB | NOT_SET |
_db_todefer_cache_create | buffer cache deferred create | TRUE |
_db_writer_chunk_writes | Number of writes DBWR should wait for | 0 |
_db_writer_coalesce_area_size | Size of memory allocated to dbwriter for coalescing writes | 4194304 |
_db_writer_coalesce_encrypted_buffers | Coalecsing for encrypted buffers | TRUE |
_db_writer_coalesce_write_limit | Limit on size of coalesced write | 131072 |
_db_writer_flush_imu | If FALSE, DBWR will not downgrade IMU txns for AGING | TRUE |
_db_writer_histogram_statistics | maintain dbwr histogram statistics in x$kcbbhs | FALSE |
_db_writer_max_writes | Max number of outstanding DB Writer IOs | 0 |
_db_writer_nomemcopy_coalesce | Enable DBWR no-memcopy coalescing | FALSE |
_db_writer_verify_writes | Enable lost write detection mechanism | FALSE |
_db_xmem_cache_encryption | Set _db_xmem_cache_encryption to enable XMEM cache encryption | TRUE |
_db_xmem_hot_switch_criteria | Xmem buffer touch count which makes this buffer candidate of switching to DRAM buffer | 4 |
_dbcomp_maxdump | Maximum # of dumped blocks per datafile | 100 |
_dbcomp_msg_ver | database block compare message version | 1 |
_dbfs_modify_implicit_fetch | DBFS Link allows implicit fetch on modify – only on SecureFiles | TRUE |
_dbfs_symlink_path_prefix | allow or disallow symlink creation in dbfs outside path_prefix | FALSE |
_dbg_proc_startup | debug process startup | FALSE |
_dbg_scan | generic scan debug | 0 |
_dbms_sql_security_level | Security level in DBMS_SQL | 1 |
_dbmsumf$$1x | UMF Configuration | |
_dbmsumf$$2x | UMF Configuration | |
_dbmsumf$$3x | UMF Configuration | |
_dbmsumf$$nn | UMF Configuration | |
_dbmsumf$$p | UMF Configuration | |
_dbnest_enable | dbNest enable | NONE |
_dbnest_pdb_fs_conf | PDB Filesystem configuration | |
_dbnest_pdb_fs_type | PDB FS Type | DEFAULT |
_dbnest_pdb_scm_conf | PDB SCM configuration | |
_dbnest_pdb_scm_level | PDB SCM Level | STRICT1 |
_dbnest_stage_dir | Staging directory configuration | |
_dbop_enabled | Any positive number enables automatic DBOP monitoring. 0 is disabled | 1 |
_dbpool_name | gsm database pool name | |
_dbreplay_feature_control | Database Replay Feature Control | |
_dbrm_dynamic_threshold | DBRM dynamic threshold setting | 989922280 |
_dbrm_num_runnable_list | Resource Manager number of runnable list per NUMA node | 0 |
_dbrm_quantum | DBRM quantum | |
_dbrm_runchk | Resource Manager Diagnostic Running Thread Check | 32769000 |
_dbrm_short_wait_us | Resource Manager short wait length | 300 |
_dbwr_async_io | Enable dbwriter asynchronous writes | TRUE |
_dbwr_flashlock_shrink_limit | limit to shrink le to flash lock per dbwr iteration | 0 |
_dbwr_nowrite_assert_interval | dbwriter assert interval after no write seconds | 7200 |
_dbwr_nwp_assert_interval | dbwriter no write permission assert interval after no write seconds | 1800 |
_dbwr_scan_interval | dbwriter scan interval | 300 |
_dbwr_stall_write_detection_interval | dbwriter stall write detection interval | 900 |
_dbwr_tracing | Enable dbwriter tracing | 0 |
_dd_validate_remote_locks | GES deadlock detection validate remote locks | TRUE |
_dde_flood_control_init | Initialize Flood Control at database open | TRUE |
_dead_process_scan_interval | PMON dead process scan interval (in seconds) | 60 |
_deadlock_diagnostic_level | automatic deadlock resolution diagnostics level | 2 |
_deadlock_record_to_alert_log | record resolved deadlocks to the alert log | TRUE |
_deadlock_resolution_incidents_always | create incidents when resolving any deadlock? | FALSE |
_deadlock_resolution_incidents_enabled | create incidents during deadlock resolution | TRUE |
_deadlock_resolution_level | automatic deadlock resolution level | 1 |
_deadlock_resolution_min_wait_timeout_secs | the minimum wait timeout required for deadlock resolution | 60 |
_deadlock_resolution_signal_process_thresh_secs | the amount of time given to process a deadlock resolution signal | 60 |
_dedicated_server_poll_count | dedicated server poll count | 10 |
_dedicated_server_post_wait | dedicated server post/wait | FALSE |
_dedicated_server_post_wait_call | dedicated server post/wait call | FALSE |
_default_encrypt_alg | default encryption algorithm | 0 |
_default_non_equality_sel_check | sanity check on default selectivity for like/range predicate | TRUE |
_default_pct_free | Default value of PCT_FREE enforced by DWCS lockdown | 0 |
_defer_eor_orl_arch_for_so | defer EOR ORL archival for switchover | TRUE |
_defer_log_boundary_ckpt | defer media recovery checkpoint at log boundary | TRUE |
_defer_log_count | Number of log boundaries media recovery checkpoint lags behind | 100 |
_defer_rcv_during_sw_to_sby | Defer recovery during switchover to standby | FALSE |
_defer_sga_alloc_chunk_size | Chunk size for defer sga allocation | 1073741824 |
_defer_sga_enabled | Enable deferred shared memory allocation for SGA | FALSE |
_defer_sga_min_spsz_at_startup | Minimum shared pool size at startup with deferred sga enabled | 53687091200 |
_defer_sga_min_total_defer_segs_sz | Minimum total deferred segs size for defer sga allocation | 1.07374E+11 |
_defer_sga_test_alloc_intv | SA** sleeps for N secs before allocating a deferred segment | 0 |
_defer_while_patching | Session should be deferred if patching is secheduled | 0 |
_deferred_constant_folding_mode | Deferred constant folding mode | DEFAULT |
_deferred_log_dest_is_valid | consider deferred log dest as valid for log deletion (TRUE/FALSE) | TRUE |
_deferred_seg_in_seed | Enable Deferred Segment Creation in Seed | TRUE |
_delay_index_maintain | delays index maintenance until after MV is refreshed | TRUE |
_delete_ghost_data | Test delete ghost data | FALSE |
_deq_execute_reset_time | deq execute reset time | 30 |
_deq_ht_child_latches | deq ht child latches | 8 |
_deq_ht_max_elements | deq ht max elements | 100000 |
_deq_large_txn_size | deq large txn size | 25000 |
_deq_log_array_size | deq log array size | 10000 |
_deq_max_fetch_count | deq max fetch count | 10 |
_deq_maxwait_time | Change wait times between dequeue calls | 0 |
_desired_readmem_rate | The desired percentage of redo reading from memory | 90 |
_df_hist_offl_override | Allow update of keep offline bit in datafile history record | FALSE |
_dg_broker_trace_level | data guard broker trace level | |
_dg_cf_check_timer | Data Guard controlfile check timer | 15 |
_dg_corrupt_redo_log | Corrupt redo log validation during archivals | 0 |
_diag_adl_dyn_alloc | Enable Diag Alert Dynamic Allocation | TRUE |
_diag_adr_auto_purge | Enable/disable ADR MMON Auto Purging | TRUE |
_diag_adr_enabled | Parameter to enable/disable Diag ADR | TRUE |
_diag_adr_test_param | Test parameter for Diagnosability | 0 |
_diag_adr_trace_dest | diagnosability trace directory path | |
_diag_alert_root_annotate | Enable annotation for alert log entries from root | FALSE |
_diag_arb_before_kill | dump diagnostics before killing unresponsive ARBs | FALSE |
_diag_attn_log_format_error | Attention Log Error Entry format | |
_diag_attn_log_format_standard | Attention Log Standard Entry format | |
_diag_backward_compat | Backward Compatibility for Diagnosability | TRUE |
_diag_cc_enabled | Parameter to enable/disable Diag Call Context | TRUE |
_diag_cdb_logging | Format for CDB Annotation | short |
_diag_conf_cap_enabled | Parameter to enable/disable Diag Configuration Capture | TRUE |
_diag_crashdump_level | parameter for systemstate dump level, used by DIAG during crash | 10 |
_diag_daemon | start DIAG daemon | TRUE |
_diag_dde_async_age_limit | diag dde async actions: message age limit (in seconds) | 300 |
_diag_dde_async_cputime_limit | diag dde async actions: action cputime limit (in seconds) | 300 |
_diag_dde_async_mode | diag dde async actions: dispatch mode | 1 |
_diag_dde_async_msg_capacity | diag dde async actions: message buffer capacity | 1024 |
_diag_dde_async_msgs | diag dde async actions: number of preallocated message buffers | 50 |
_diag_dde_async_process_rate | diag dde async actions: message processing rate – per loop | 5 |
_diag_dde_async_runtime_limit | diag dde async actions: action runtime limit (in seconds) | 900 |
_diag_dde_async_slaves | diag dde async actions: max number of concurrent slave processes | 5 |
_diag_dde_enabled | enable DDE handling of critical errors | TRUE |
_diag_dde_fc_enabled | Parameter to enable/disable Diag Flood Control | TRUE |
_diag_dde_fc_implicit_time | Override Implicit Error Flood Control time parameter | 0 |
_diag_dde_fc_macro_time | Override Macro Error Flood Control time parameter | 0 |
_diag_dde_inc_proc_delay | The minimum delay between two MMON incident sweeps (minutes) | 1 |
_diag_diagnostics | Turn off diag diagnostics | TRUE |
_diag_dump_request_debug_level | DIAG dump request debug level (0-2) | 1 |
_diag_dump_timeout | timeout parameter for SYNC dump | 30 |
_diag_enable_startup_events | enable events in instance startup notifiers | FALSE |
_diag_hm_rc_enabled | Parameter to enable/disable Diag HM Reactive Checks | TRUE |
_diag_hm_tc_enabled | Parameter to enable/disable Diag HM Test(dummy) Checks | FALSE |
_diag_large_packets | DIA* large packets support | TRUE |
_diag_patch_cap_enabled | Parameter to enable/disable Diag Patch Configuration Capture | TRUE |
_diag_pdb_control | DIAG PDB Space Management Control Parameter | 0 |
_diag_pdb_purge_target | Controls target percentage for ADR PDB Auto Purge Operation | 90 |
_diag_pdb_purge_threshold | Controls threshold for ADR PDB Auto Purge Operation | 97 |
_diag_proc_enabled | enable hung process diagnostic API | TRUE |
_diag_proc_max_time_ms | hung process diagnostic API max wait time in milliseconds | 30000 |
_diag_proc_stack_capture_type | hung process diagnostic API stack capture type | 1 |
_diag_test_seg_reinc_mode | Sets trace segmentation to be in reincarnation mode | FALSE |
_diag_uts_control | UTS control parameter | 0 |
_diag_verbose_error_on_init | Allow verbose error tracing on diag init | 0 |
_diag_xm_enabled | If TRUE, DIAG allows message exchanges across DB/ASM boundary | FALSE |
_dimension_skip_null | control dimension skip when null feature | TRUE |
_direct_io_skip_cur_slot_on_error | Skip current slot on error | TRUE |
_direct_io_slots | number of slots for direct path I/O | 0 |
_direct_io_wslots | number of write slots for direct path I/O | 0 |
_direct_path_insert_features | disable direct path insert features | 0 |
_direct_read_decision_statistics_driven | enable direct read decision based on optimizer statistics | TRUE |
_dirty_appliance_mode | Enable appliance mode even on non-appliance | FALSE |
_disable_12751 | disable policy timeout error (ORA-12751) | FALSE |
_disable_12cbigfile | DIsable Storing ILM Statistics in 12cBigFiles | FALSE |
_disable_active_influx_move | disable active influx move during parallel media recovery | FALSE |
_disable_actualization_for_grant | disable actualization of editioned objects on grant | FALSE |
_disable_adaptive_shrunk_aggregation | adaptive shrunk aggregation | FALSE |
_disable_adp_adj_buf_check | No adjacent buffer check for ADP | FALSE |
_disable_appliance_check | Disable appliance-specific code | FALSE |
_disable_appliance_partnering | Disable appliance partnering algorithms | FALSE |
_disable_asm_audit_feat | disable ASM audit features | 0 |
_disable_autotune_gtx | disable autotune global transaction background processes | FALSE |
_disable_block_checking | disable block checking at the session level | FALSE |
_disable_cdb_view_rc_invalidation | disable Result Cache invalidation for CDB View results | FALSE |
_disable_cell_optimized_backups | disable cell optimized backups | FALSE |
_disable_con_recurse_queuing | disable parallel statement queuing for containers() recursive SQL | TRUE |
_disable_cpu_check | disable cpu_count check | FALSE |
_disable_cursor_sharing | disable cursor sharing | FALSE |
_disable_data_block_check_after_decrypt | if TRUE, disable data block check after decryption | FALSE |
_disable_datalayer_sampling | disable datalayer sampling | FALSE |
_disable_dblink_optim | disable intra CDB dblink optimizations | TRUE |
_disable_def_seg_update | Disable deferred seg$ update | 0 |
_disable_destructive_patch_operation | Is destructive operation allowed in a patch | TRUE |
_disable_dict_check_pdb_open | disable PDB pseudo open for dictionary check purpose | FALSE |
_disable_directory_link_check | Disable directory link checking | FALSE |
_disable_duplex_link | Turn off connection duplexing | TRUE |
_disable_duplicate_service_warning | disable listener warning for duplicate service | FALSE |
_disable_fast_aggregation | fast aggregation | FALSE |
_disable_fast_validate | disable PL/SQL fast validation | FALSE |
_disable_fastopen | Do Not Use Fastopen | FALSE |
_disable_fba_qrw | disable flashback archiver query rewrite | 0 |
_disable_fba_wpr | disable flashback archiver wait for prepared transactions | 0 |
_disable_file_locks | disable file locks for control, data, redo log files | FALSE |
_disable_file_resize_logging | disable file resize logging to alert log | FALSE |
_disable_flashback_archiver | disable flashback archiver | 0 |
_disable_flashback_recyclebin_opt | Don’t use the Flashback Recyclebin optimization | TRUE |
_disable_flashback_wait_callback | Disable flashback wait callback | FALSE |
_disable_function_based_index | disable function-based index matching | FALSE |
_disable_gvaq_cache | Disable cache | FALSE |
_disable_hcc_array_insert | TRUE – enable conventional inserts into HCC CUs | FALSE |
_disable_health_check | Disable Health Check | FALSE |
_disable_highres_ticks | disable high-res tick counter | TRUE |
_disable_image_check | Disable Oracle executable image checking | FALSE |
_disable_implicit_row_movement | disable implicit row movement | FALSE |
_disable_incremental_checkpoints | Disable incremental checkpoints for thread recovery | FALSE |
_disable_incremental_recovery_ckpt | Disable incremental recovery checkpoint mechanism | FALSE |
_disable_index_block_prefetching | disable index block prefetching | FALSE |
_disable_inheritpriv_grant_public | Disable inherit privilege grant to PUBLIC for newly created users | FALSE |
_disable_initial_block_compression | disable initial block compression | FALSE |
_disable_instance_params_check | disable instance type check for ksp | FALSE |
_disable_interface_checking | disable interface checking at startup | FALSE |
_disable_kcb_flashback_blocknew_opt | Disable KCB flashback block new optimization | FALSE |
_disable_kcbhxor_osd | disable kcbh©xor OSD functionality | FALSE |
_disable_kcbl_flashback_blocknew_opt | Disable KCBL flashback block new optimization | FALSE |
_disable_kgghshcrc32_osd | disable kgghshcrc32chk OSD functionality | FALSE |
_disable_logging | Disable logging | FALSE |
_disable_lostwrite_tablespace_alerts | disable tablespace alerts for LOSTWRITE tablespaces | FALSE |
_disable_metrics_group | Disable Metrics Group (or all Metrics Groups) | 0 |
_disable_modsvc_refresh | disable modify service cache refresh | |
_disable_multiple_block_sizes | disable multiple block size support (for debugging) | FALSE |
_disable_odm | disable odm feature | FALSE |
_disable_oradebug_commands | disable execution of certain categories of oradebug commands | none |
_disable_os_time_page | disable OS time page | FALSE |
_disable_parallel_conventional_load | Disable parallel conventional loads | FALSE |
_disable_primary_bitmap_switch | disable primary bitmap switch | FALSE |
_disable_ptl_replay | Is PTL replay disabled during Application Sync | FALSE |
_disable_read_only_open_dict_check | Disable read-only open dictionary check | FALSE |
_disable_rebalance_space_check | disable space usage checks for storage reconfiguration | FALSE |
_disable_recovery_read_skip | Disable the read optimization during media recovery | FALSE |
_disable_rolling_patch | Disable Rolling Patch Feature | 0 |
_disable_sample_io_optim | disable row sampling IO optimization | FALSE |
_disable_savepoint_reset | disable the fix for bug 1402161 | FALSE |
_disable_selftune_checkpointing | Disable self-tune checkpointing | FALSE |
_disable_sensitive_internal | disable internal SQL from showing sensitive information | FALSE |
_disable_storage_type | Disable storage type checks | FALSE |
_disable_streams_diagnostics | streams diagnostics | 0 |
_disable_streams_pool_auto_tuning | disable streams pool auto tuning | FALSE |
_disable_sun_rsm | Disable IPC OSD support for Sun RSMAPI | TRUE |
_disable_system_state | disable system state dump | 4294967294 |
_disable_system_state_wait_samples | Disable system state dump – wait samples | FALSE |
_disable_system_tablespaces_enc_enforcement | if TRUE, disable system tablespaces encryption enforcement | FALSE |
_disable_temp_tablespace_alerts | disable tablespace alerts for TEMPORARY tablespaces | FALSE |
_disable_thread_internal_disable | Disable thread internal disable feature | FALSE |
_disable_thread_snapshot | Thread snapshot | TRUE |
_disable_txn_alert | disable txn layer alert | 0 |
_disable_undo_tablespace_alerts | disable tablespace alerts for UNDO tablespaces | FALSE |
_disable_wait_state | Disable wait state | |
_discard_cmn_ddl_in_pdb_err | Discard error when Common DDL is attempted in PDB | FALSE |
_discrete_transactions_enabled | enable OLTP mode | FALSE |
_disk_sector_size_override | if TRUE, OSD sector size could be overridden | FALSE |
_diskmon_pipe_name | DiSKMon skgznp pipe name | |
_disksize_binary_search | if set, perform binary search to get disk size if IOCTL fails | FALSE |
_dispatcher_listen_on_vip | Determines if dispatcher listens on VIP if no HOST is supplied | FALSE |
_dispatcher_rate_scale | scale to display rate statistic (100ths of a second) | |
_dispatcher_rate_ttl | time-to-live for rate statistic (100ths of a second) | |
_distinct_agg_optimization_gsets | Use Distinct Aggregate Optimization for Grouping Sets | CHOOSE |
_distinct_view_unnesting | enables unnesting of in subquery into distinct view | FALSE |
_distributed_recovery_connection_hold_time | number of seconds RECO holds outbound connections open | 200 |
_disttxn_for_queries | remote queries start distributed transaction | TRUE |
_dlm_cache_warmup_slaves | Number of DLM cache warm up slaves | 2 |
_dlm_stats_collect | DLM statistics collection(0 = disable, 1 = enable (default)) | 1 |
_dlm_stats_collect_du_limit | DLM statistics collection disk updates per slot | 3000 |
_dlm_stats_collect_mode | DLM statistics collection mode | 6 |
_dlm_stats_collect_slot_interval | DLM statistics collection slot interval (in seconds) | 60 |
_dlmtrace | Trace string of global enqueue type(s) | |
_dm_dmf_details_compatibility | set dm dmf details compatibility version | 12.1.0 |
_dm_enable_legacy_dmf_output_types | revert dmf output types to pre- | FALSE |
_dm_inmemory_threshold | In-memory cardinality threshold | 1000000 |
_dm_max_chunk_size | Data Mining Max Chunk Size | 2000 |
_dm_max_shared_pool_pct | max percentage of the shared pool to use for a mining model | 1 |
_dml_batch_error_limit | number or error handles allocated for DML in batch mode | 0 |
_dml_frequency_tracking | Control DML frequency tracking | FALSE |
_dml_frequency_tracking_advance | Control automatic advance and broadcast of DML frequencies | TRUE |
_dml_frequency_tracking_slot_time | Time length of each slot for DML frequency tracking | 15 |
_dml_frequency_tracking_slots | Number of slots to use for DML frequency tracking | 4 |
_dml_monitoring_enabled | enable modification monitoring | TRUE |
_dmm_auto_max_features | Auto Max Features | 500 |
_dmm_blas_library | Control which BLAS/LAPACK dynamic library to load | |
_dmm_cnt_arr_size_threshold | Counts Array Size Threshold | 500000 |
_dmm_details_filter_weight | Filter details based on weight | 1 |
_dmm_force_treetop_merge | Force Treetop Merge | 0 |
_dmm_inc_cholesky_rows | Incomplete Cholesky number of rows | 50000 |
_dmm_ipp_cutoff | Intra-Partition Parallel size cutoff | 0 |
_dmm_kmean_dense_threshold | Kmean densify threshold | 500 |
_dmm_max_memory_size | Maximum Memory Size | 1000000 |
_dmm_memory_size | Memory Size | 64000000 |
_dmm_nobin_threshold | No Binning Row Count Threshold | 200 |
_dmm_pga_load_threshold | Model size less than threshold are loaded into PGA | 3 |
_dmm_reduction_rate | Reduction rate in reduction tree | 4 |
_dmm_sample_lower_threshold | Minimum Sample Size | 10000 |
_dmm_sample_upper_threshold | Maximum Sample Size | 500000 |
_dmm_ts_lapack | Enable usage of BLAS/LAPACK for Tall Skinny SVD | 1 |
_dmsqr_qr_chunk_rows | QR maximum chunk rows | 10000 |
_dnfs_rdma_enable | Enable dNFS RDMA transfers | rman |
_dnfs_rdma_max | Maximum size of dNFS RDMA transfer | 1048576 |
_dnfs_rdma_min | Minimum size of dNFS RDMA transfer | 8192 |
_domain_index_batch_size | maximum number of rows from one call to domain index fetch routine | 2000 |
_domain_index_dml_batch_size | maximum number of rows for one call to domain index dml routines | 200 |
_dra_bmr_number_threshold | Maximum number of BMRs that can be done to a file | 1000 |
_dra_bmr_percent_threshold | Maximum percentage of blocks in a file that can be BMR-ed | 10 |
_dra_enable_offline_dictionary | Enable the periodic creation of the offline dictionary for DRA | FALSE |
_drm_parallel_freeze | if TRUE enables parallel drm freeze | TRUE |
_drop_flashback_logical_operations_enq | Drop logical operations enqueue immediately during flashback marker generation | FALSE |
_drop_stat_segment | drop ilm statistics segment | 0 |
_drop_table_granule | drop_table_granule | 256 |
_drop_table_optimization_enabled | reduce SGA memory use during drop of a partitioned table | TRUE |
_drop_tablespace_objects | GDR: drop all tablespace objects | 0 |
_ds_enable_auto_txn | Dynamic Sampling Service Autonomous Transaction control parameter | FALSE |
_ds_enable_view_sampling | Use sampling for views in Dynamic Sampling | TRUE |
_ds_iocount_iosize | Dynamic Sampling Service defaults: #IOs and IO Size | 6553664 |
_ds_parse_model | Dynamic Sampling Service Parse Model control parameter | 2 |
_ds_progressive_initial_samples | Number of initial samples used for progressive sampling | 2 |
_ds_progressive_no_matches_min_sample_size | Minimum sample size at which progressive sampling report no match | 50 |
_ds_sampling_method | Dynamic sampling method used | PROGRESSIVE |
_ds_xt_split_count | Dynamic Sampling Service: split count for external tables | 1 |
_dsc_feature_level | controls the feature level for deferred segment creation | 0 |
_dskm_health_check_cnt | DiSKMon health check counter | 20 |
_dskm_single_instance | DSKM and Diskmon operating in Single Instance mode | FALSE |
_dss_cache_flush | enable full cache flush for parallel execution | FALSE |
_dss_cache_flush_threshold | threshold when thread ckpt considered over obj ckpt | 1 |
_dtree_area_size | size of Decision Tree Classification work area | 131072 |
_dtree_binning_enabled | Decision Tree Binning Enabled | TRUE |
_dtree_max_surrogates | maximum number of surrogates | 1 |
_dtree_pruning_enabled | Decision Tree Pruning Enabled | TRUE |
_dummy_instance | dummy instance started by RMAN | FALSE |
_dump_10261_level | Dump level for event 10261, 1=>minimal dump 2=>top pga dump | 0 |
_dump_common_subexpressions | dump common subexpressions | FALSE |
_dump_connect_by_loop_data | dump connect by loop error message into trc file | FALSE |
_dump_cursor_heap_sizes | dump comp/exec heap sizes to tryace file | FALSE |
_dump_interval_limit | trace dump time interval limit (in seconds) | 120 |
_dump_max_limit | max number of dump within dump interval | 5 |
_dump_qbc_tree | dump top level query parse tree to trace | 0 |
_dump_rcvr_ipc | if TRUE enables IPC dump at instance eviction time | TRUE |
_dump_scn_increment_stack | Dumps scn increment stack per session | |
_dump_system_state_scope | scope of sysstate dump during instance termination | local |
_dump_trace_scope | scope of trace dump during a process crash | global |
_duplicated_table_complete_refresh_percent | percent threshold for duplicated table to do complete refresh | 50 |
_dupt_noupdate | disable duplicated table updates | 0 |
_dynamic_rls_policies | rls policies are dynamic | TRUE |
_dynamic_sequence_cache | Enable/disable sequence dynamic cache sizing | TRUE |
_dynamic_sequence_cache_max | Sequence dynamic cache maximum size | 1000000 |
_dynamic_sequence_cache_scale | Max scale factor for dynamic sequence cache size | 10 |
_dynamic_sessions_force_timeout | dynamic session force timeout | 30 |
_dynamic_sessions_inc_count | dynamic session increment count | 1000 |
_dynamic_sessions_max_oom_timeout | dynamic session max timeout for out of memory | 300 |
_dynamic_sessions_min_force_timeout | dynamic min session force timeout | 5 |
_dynamic_sessions_wait_timeout | dynamic session wait timeout for new session | 100 |
_dynamic_share_range_factor | dynamic share range factor | 2 |
_dynamic_stats_threshold | delay threshold (in seconds) between sending statistics messages | 30 |
_early_flush_delta | SCN delta to trigger early log flush | 0 |
_edition_enable_oracle_users | Edition enable Oracle supplied users | |
_eighteenth_spare_parameter | eighteenth spare parameter – integer | |
_eighth_spare_parameter | eighth spare parameter – integer | |
_eightieth_spare_parameter | eightieth spare parameter – integer | |
_eighty-eighth_spare_parameter | eighty-eighth spare parameter – string | |
_eighty-fifth_spare_parameter | eighty-fifth spare parameter – string | |
_eighty-first_spare_parameter | eighty-first spare parameter – string | |
_eighty-fourth_spare_parameter | eighty-fourth spare parameter – string | |
_eighty-ninth_spare_parameter | eighty-ninth spare parameter – string | |
_eighty-seventh_spare_parameter | eighty-seventh spare parameter – string | |
_eighty-sixth_spare_parameter | eighty-sixth spare parameter – string | |
_eighty-third_spare_parameter | eighty-third spare parameter – string | |
_eleventh_spare_parameter | eleventh spare parameter – integer | |
_eliminate_common_subexpr | enables elimination of common sub-expressions | TRUE |
_emon_max_active_connections | maximum open connections to clients per emon | 256 |
_emon_outbound_connect_timeout | timeout for completing connection set up to clients | 7200000 |
_emon_pool_inc | increment in EMON slaves per pool type | 4 |
_emon_pool_max | maximum number of EMON slaves per pool type | 16 |
_emon_pool_min | minimum number of EMON slaves per pool type | 4 |
_emon_regular_ntfn_slaves | number of EMON slaves doing regular database notifications | 4 |
_emon_send_timeout | send timeout after which the client is unregistered | 7200000 |
_emx_control | EM Express control (internal use only) | 0 |
_emx_max_sessions | Maximum number of sessions in the EM Express cache | 128 |
_emx_session_timeout | Session timeout (sec) in the EM Express cache | 3600 |
_ena_storage_lmt | Enable storage clause for LMT | DEFAULT |
_enable_12g_bft | enable 12g bigfile tablespace | TRUE |
_enable_asyncvio | enable asynch vectored I/O | FALSE |
_enable_auto_upgrade | Enable automatic PDB upgrade | FALSE |
_enable_automatic_maintenance | if 1, Automated Maintenance Is Enabled | 1 |
_enable_automatic_sqltune | Automatic SQL Tuning Advisory enabled parameter | TRUE |
_enable_block_level_transaction_recovery | enable block level recovery | TRUE |
_enable_buffer_header_history | if TRUE, records operation history in buffer headers | TRUE |
_enable_cdb_upgrade_capture | Enable capture of CDB upgrade | FALSE |
_enable_check_truncate | enable checking of corruption caused by canceled truncate | TRUE |
_enable_columnar_cache | Enable Columnar Flash Cache Rewrite | 1 |
_enable_containers_subquery | enable transformation to containers() sub query | TRUE |
_enable_cscn_caching | enable commit SCN caching for all transactions | FALSE |
_enable_dbwr_auto_tracing | enable dbwriter auto-tracing | 0 |
_enable_ddl_wait_lock | use this to turn off ddls with wait semantics | TRUE |
_enable_default_affinity | enable default implementation of hard affinity osds | 0 |
_enable_default_temp_threshold | Enable Default Tablespace Utilization Threshold for UNDO Tablespaces | TRUE |
_enable_default_undo_threshold | Enable Default Tablespace Utilization Threshold for TEMPORARY Tablespaces | TRUE |
_enable_dml_lock_escalation | enable dml lock escalation against partitioned tables if TRUE | TRUE |
_enable_drop_clone | Is drop of a Root Clone allowed | FALSE |
_enable_dynamic_sessions | dynamic session SOs | FALSE |
_enable_editions_for_users | enable editions for all users | FALSE |
_enable_event_ports | Enable/Disable event ports | TRUE |
_enable_exchange_validation_using_check | use check constraints on the table for validation | TRUE |
_enable_fast_file_zero | enable fast file zero code path | TRUE |
_enable_fast_ref_after_mv_tbs | enable fast refresh after move tablespace | FALSE |
_enable_ffw | FAL FORWARDING | TRUE |
_enable_flash_logging | Enable Exadata Smart Flash Logging | TRUE |
_enable_Front_End_View_Optimization | enable front end view optimization | 1 |
_enable_guid_endpoint_service | Enable service functionality for GUID service | TRUE |
_enable_hash_overflow | TRUE – enable hash cluster overflow based on SIZE | FALSE |
_enable_heatmap_internal | heatmap related – to be used by oracle dev only | FALSE |
_enable_http_digest_generation | generation of the HTTP Digest verifier is enabled | TRUE |
_enable_hwm_sync | enable HWM synchronization | TRUE |
_enable_iee_stats | enables IEE stats gathering | TRUE |
_enable_ilm_flush_stats | Enable ILM Stats Flush | TRUE |
_enable_ilm_testflush_stats | Enable Test ILM Stats Flush | FALSE |
_enable_ios_spm | Allow Split Mirror operations via IOServer | FALSE |
_enable_kernel_io_outliers | enable kernel I/O outlier feature | FALSE |
_enable_kqf_purge | Enable KQF fixed runtime table purge | TRUE |
_enable_list_io | Enable List I/O | FALSE |
_enable_metrics_allpdb | Enable/Disable Metrics for Root and all PDBs if applicable | TRUE |
_enable_metrics_pdb | Enable/Disable Metrics for this Non-Root PDB | FALSE |
_enable_midtier_affinity | enable midtier affinity metrics processing | TRUE |
_enable_minscn_cr | enable/disable minscn optimization for CR | TRUE |
_enable_module_match | Is match of module name enforced | TRUE |
_enable_multiple_fgprepares | Allow concurrent PREPAREs on the same database | FALSE |
_enable_nativenet_tcpip | Enable skgxp driver usage for native net | FALSE |
_enable_NUMA_interleave | Enable NUMA interleave mode | TRUE |
_enable_NUMA_optimization | Enable NUMA specific optimizations | FALSE |
_enable_NUMA_support | Enable NUMA support and optimizations | FALSE |
_enable_nvm_dispatcher | Enable NVM Dispatcher | FALSE |
_enable_obj_queues | enable object queues | TRUE |
_enable_offloaded_writes | Enable offloaded writes for Unit Test | FALSE |
_enable_online_index_without_s_locking | Allow online index creation algorithm without S DML lock | TRUE |
_enable_os_cpu_rm | Enable OS CPU Resource Management | FALSE |
_enable_parallel_dml | enables or disables parallel dml | FALSE |
_enable_partial_sync | Is partial sync of a Federation allowed | FALSE |
_enable_pdb_close_abort | Enable PDB shutdown abort (close abort) | TRUE |
_enable_pdb_close_noarchivelog | Enable PDB close abort with no archive logging | FALSE |
_enable_pdb_isolation | Enables Pluggable Database isolation inside a CDB | FALSE |
_enable_pdb_process_limit | Enable process limit as the number of sessions in the PDB. | TRUE |
_enable_plcmnt_pol_usage | enable placement policy usage | FALSE |
_enable_pluggable_database | Enable Pluggable Database | FALSE |
_enable_pmo_outside_begin_end | Enable PMO outside begin-end block | TRUE |
_enable_proxy_distr_txn | Enable Distributed Transaction in Proxy PDB | TRUE |
_enable_query_rewrite_on_remote_objs | mv rewrite on remote table/view | TRUE |
_enable_redo_global_post | LGWR post globally on write | FALSE |
_enable_refresh_schedule | enable or disable MV refresh scheduling (revert to 9.2 behavior) | TRUE |
_enable_rejection_cache | Enable ASSM rejection cache | TRUE |
_enable_reliable_latch_waits | Enable reliable latch waits | TRUE |
_enable_rename_user | enable RENAME-clause using ALTER USER statement | FALSE |
_enable_replay_upgrade_diag | Enable diagnostics for Replay Upgrade | FALSE |
_enable_rlb | enable RLB metrics processing | TRUE |
_enable_row_shipping | use the row shipping optimization for wide table selects | TRUE |
_enable_schema_synonyms | enable DDL operations (e.g. creation) involving schema synonyms | FALSE |
_enable_scn_wait_interface | use this to turn off scn wait interface in kta | TRUE |
_enable_secure_sub_role | Disallow enabling of secure sub roles | FALSE |
_enable_securefile_flashback_opt | Enable securefile flashback optimization | FALSE |
_enable_sensitive_trace | enable traces to contain sensitive information | FALSE |
_enable_separable_transactions | enable/disable separable transactions | FALSE |
_enable_shared_pool_durations | temporary to disable/enable kgh policy | TRUE |
_enable_shared_server_sizing | Enable sizing manager for shared servers | TRUE |
_enable_shared_server_sizing_slope | Enable utility slope in sizing manager for shared servers | FALSE |
_enable_shared_server_vector_io | Enable shared server vector I/O | FALSE |
_enable_single_dgprepare | Disable concurrent PREPAREs in same disk group | FALSE |
_enable_space_preallocation | enable space pre-allocation | 3 |
_enable_spacebg | enable space management background task | TRUE |
_enable_sysaux_gdr | GDR: Enable on SYSAUX | FALSE |
_enable_system_app | Enable System app for CDB-wide common users | 2 |
_enable_tablespace_alerts | enable tablespace alerts | TRUE |
_enable_tcpinfo_statistics |
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