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MDC And Managed Threads
A copy of the mapped diagnostic context can not always be inherited by worker threads from the initiating thread. This is the case when java.util.concurrent.Executors is used for thread management. For instance, newCachedThreadPool method creates a ThreadPoolExecutor and like other thread pooling code, it has intricate thread creation logic.

In such cases, it is recommended that MDC.getCopyOfContextMap() is invoked on the original (master) thread before submitting a task to the executor. When the task runs, as its first action, it should invoke MDC.setContextMapValues() to associate the stored copy of the original MDC values with the new Executor managed thread.

Within web applications, it often proves helpful to know the hostname, request uri and user-agent associated with a given HTTP request. MDCInsertingServletFilter inserts such data into the MDC under the following keys.

MDC key MDC value</

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