Unable to make batch insert into Oracle DB using MyBatis

不管现实多么惨不忍睹,都要持之以恒地相信,这只是黎明前短暂的黑暗而已。不要惶恐眼前的难关迈不过去,不要担心此刻的付出没有回报,别再花时间等待天降好运。真诚做人,努力做事!你想要的,岁月都会给你。Unable to make batch insert into Oracle DB using MyBatis,希望对大家有帮助,欢迎收藏,转发!站点地址:www.bmabk.com,来源:原文

I try to make batch insert into table at Oracle database using MyBatis (integrated with Spring) .

It is a definition of method in mapper interface:

public void savePayments(@Param(“payments”) List payments);
It is a MyBatis XML mapper code:

<insert id="savePayments" parameterType="MassPaymentFileItem" useGeneratedKeys="false">
    INSERT INTO mass_payments
        (payment_id, file_id, msisdn, amount, status)
    <foreach collection="payments" item="payment" index="index" separator=" UNION ALL ">
        SELECT SEQ_MASS_PAYMENT.nextval, #{payment.fileId}, #{payment.msisdn}, #{payment.amount}, 0 FROM DUAL

When I execute this I receive MyBatisSystemException with message “nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.builder.BuilderException: Improper inline parameter map format. Should be: #{propName,attr1=val1,attr2=val2}”

What is wrong? How to fix it?

I found that the first answer doesn’t work for me, then i find another solution as below:

<insert id="savePayments" parameterType="java.util.List" useGeneratedKeys="true">
       <selectKey resultType="java.lang.Integer" keyProperty="payment_id"
            SELECT SEQ_MASS_PAYMENT.nextval as payment_id FROM DUAL
        INSERT INTO mass_payments
            (payment_id, file_id, msisdn, amount, status)
            select SEQ_MASS_PAYMENT.nextval, A.* from (
        <foreach collection="payments" item="payment" index="index" separator="UNION ALL">
            #{payment.fileId} as file_id,
            #{payment.msisdn} as msisdn,
            #{payment.amount} as amount,
            0 as status
            FROM DUAL
        </foreach> ) A

from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26278531/unable-to-make-batch-insert-into-oracle-db-using-mybatis/34398186#34398186

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