Adobe Premiere Pro:掌控视频剪辑的魔法之手,让你的创作腾飞!

1 Adobe Premiere Pro 应用及教程

位置: 帮助 --> Premiere Pro 应用内教程
对应的工作区为: 窗口 --> 工作区 --> Learning (Alt+Shift+9)
对应的工作区文件为:C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Premiere Pro 2022XMLLEARNINGWORKSPACELAYOUT.xml
工程文件: C:UsersPublicDocumentsAdobePremiere Pro22.0TutorialGoing Home project

1.1 Premiere Pro 概述概述

Completely New? Start Here!
全新? 从这里开始!

Premiere Pro Overview
Premiere Pro 概述

A two-minute overview of the interface and the essentials needed to get started.
  1. 面板面板

    1. 项目面板项目



    2. “源监视器”面板 源



    3. 节目监视器面板节目


    4. 时间轴面板 时间线



  2. 调整面板 调整面板



    • 调整大小
    • 取消停靠并四处移动
    • 在同一个面板区域内组合在一起
    • 调整
    • 脱离停靠并四处移动
    • 在同一面板区域内组合在一起

1.2 学习基础知识 学习基础知识

The Basics

Learn the Basics

Four interactive tutorials that cover each step of the vodeo editing process needed to create your first movie.
  1. Importing Media 导入媒体

    1. The Final Product 最终产品

      Before you begin, take a look at the project in its final state so you have a better idea of what you’ll create.


      Press Play in the Program Monitor panel to preview what you’ll be making.


    2. Importing Video Clips 导入视频剪辑

      选择 Next 后,会弹出提示框,询问是否保存文件,选择否

      The Project has been reset, and this is what premiere Pro looks like when you first open the application.

      该项目已被重置,这就是您首次打开应用程序时 Premiere Pro 的外观。

      The first step of any Premiere Pro project is to import the vodeo files you’ll be working with. These files are called clips.

      任何 Premiere Pro 项目的第一步都是导入您将使用的视频文件。 这些文件称为剪辑。

      Double-click in the center of the Project panel where it says “Import media to start”. This will launch an Explorer window.

      双击“项目”面板中心的“导入媒体以开始”。 这将启动一个资源管理器窗口。

      Select any three files and click Open/Import.


    3. Previewing Clips 预览剪辑

      Before you start putting your video together, you’ll want to use the Source Monitor panel to review the clips you’ve imported to find the right parts to use.


      Double-click on any of the clips in the Project panel.


  2. Preparing Your Clips for Editing 准备剪辑进行编辑

    1. Adding Clips to the Timeline Panel 将剪辑添加到时间轴面板

      You’ve imported the clips, but you can’t edit them until you’ve put them into the Timeline panel.


      Select Clips 1,2, and 3 in the Project panel by holding down CONTROL and clicking each one.

      通过按住 CONTROL 并单击每一个,在“项目”面板中选择剪辑 1、2 和 3。

      Drag and drop the files from the Project panel to the Timeline panel (on to the area marked “Drop media here to create sequence”)


    2. Vodeo and Audio Tracks 视频和音频轨道

      Your clips now are sitting in your sequence on the Timeline panel in horizontal areas called tracks. Tracks hold the vodeo and audio files you edit in your sequence. Your sequence currently contains two tracks, a video track(V1) and an audio track (A1).

      您的剪辑现在位于时间线面板上称为轨道的水平区域中的序列中。 轨道保存您在序列中编辑的视频和音频文件。 您的序列当前包含两个轨道,一个视频轨道 (V1) 和一个音频轨道 (A1)。

      You’ll spend a lot of time editing your clips, so it’s very important to understand how to navigate to your clips in the Timeline tracks.


      Click on the Timeline panel to make it your active panel and use the = and – keys to zoom in and out of the tracks.

      单击“时间线”面板使其成为活动面板并使用 = 和 – 键放大和缩小轨道。

      Use the CONTROL + =/- keys to make the size of the tracks bigger or smaller.

      使用 CONTROL + =/- 键使轨道的大小变大或变小。

  3. Editing Your Clips 编辑你的剪辑

    1. Moving Around the Sequence 在序列中移动

      For this tutorial, note that we’ve added a music file to the A1 track for you.

      对于本教程,请注意我们已为您将音乐文件添加到 A1 曲目。

      Before you start editing, you’ll need to go through the sequence and identify where you’d like to make changes. The fastest way to move around the sequence and review your clips is using the playhead (the vertical blue line in the Timeline panel).

      在开始编辑之前,您需要检查序列并确定要进行更改的位置。 在序列中移动和查看剪辑的最快方法是使用播放头(时间线面板中的垂直蓝线)。

      Press the SPACEBAR to start playing the sequence.


      Press the SPACEBAR again to stop playing the sequence.


      FOr faster navigation, click and drag the playhead across the Timeline panel to find the part of your sequence you’re looking for.


      Use the gray scroll bar at the bottom of the Timeline panel to scroll through your seqauence.


    2. Moving Clips 移动剪辑

      After reviewing your sequence, let’s say you think your movie would look better if you swapped Clip 2 and Clip 3.

      在查看您的序列后,假设您认为如果交换剪辑 2 和剪辑 3,您的电影会更好看。

      While holding down CONTROL click and drag Clip 3 over Clip 2, until the beginning of Clip 3 snaps in place over the beginning of Clip 2, then release the mouse.

      在按住 CONTROL 的同时单击并将剪辑 3 拖到剪辑 2 上,直到剪辑 3 的开头与剪辑 2 的开头对齐,然后松开鼠标。

    3. Trimming Clips 修剪剪辑

      The clips have been reset to the correct order from the last step to help you follow along.


      Another common reason to edit your cliops is because they’re too long. What if you need your movie to be only 15 seconds long? You can use trimming to shorten the length of a clip.

      编辑剪辑的另一个常见原因是它们太长了。 如果你需要你的电影只有 15 秒长怎么办? 您可以使用修剪来缩短剪辑的长度。

      Move you cursor to eh end of Clip 2 until it changes from a black arrow to a red, left-facing trimming icon.

      将光标移动到剪辑 2 的末端,直到它从黑色箭头变为红色的朝左修剪图标。

      Click and drag your cursor slowly until the end of the clip reaches the playhead(currently at the 15 second mark).

      单击并缓慢拖动光标,直到剪辑的末尾到达播放头(当前位于 15 秒标记处)。

    4. Editing Practice 编辑练习

      In this next section, you have the opportunity to reinforce your learning by trying a short editing challenge, similar to the example you just saw in the previous step.


      Click Next to continue to the challenge.


    5. Edit Challenge 编辑挑战

      Your overall video is still longer than 15 seconds because the audio track is much longer than the video track.

      您的整个视频仍然超过 15 秒,因为音频轨道比视频轨道长得多。

      See if you can shorten the length of the audio track to match the video track. Use the hints below if you get stuck.

      看看您是否可以缩短音轨的长度以匹配视频轨道。 如果您遇到困难,请使用以下提示。

  4. Exporting Your Project Content 导出您的项目内容

    1. Exporting Your Work 导出你的工作

      In this tutorial, you’ll export your short movie using some basic HD settings you might use for uploading your video to social media.


      Click on the Timeline panel and then press CONTROL + M to open the Export Settings dialog box.

      单击“时间线”面板,然后按 CONTROL + M 打开“导出设置”对话框。

      Don’t worry about all the different setting options.


      On the right, under Export Settings, change the Format option to H.264.

      在右侧的导出设置下,将格式选项更改为 H.264。

      Under the format oiption, change the Preset option to Match Source – Medium Bitrate.

      在格式选项下,将预设选项更改为匹配源 – 中等比特率。

      Click on the blue file name next to the Output Name option and rename your file to something relevant.


      Click Export.


1.3 Creative and Stylistic Edits 创意和风格编辑

In this tutorial series, you'll add stylistic and creative edits to the video created in the previous tutorial series.

These tutorials are meant to be interactive, so follow along for maximum learning.

Skills and Projects

Creative and Stylistic Edits

Five interacitive tutorials that teach the basics of adjusting clip speed, adding titles and transitions, adjusting audio, and color correction.
  1. Changing the Speed of Clips 改变剪辑的速度

    1. The Final Product 最终产品

      Before you begin, take a look at the project in its final state so you have a better idea of what you’ll create.


      Press Play in the Program Monitor panel to preview the video.


    2. Creating Slow Motion 制作慢动作

      The project has been reset to how it looked at the end of the last tutorial series.


      One of the most popular creative edits is changing the speed of your clips to create a slow-motion effect.


      Let’s say you want to slow down Clip 3 to match the speed of the other clips.

      假设您想减慢剪辑 3 的速度以匹配其他剪辑的速度。

      Right-click on Clip 3 and select Speed/Duration in the options menu.

      右键单击剪辑 3,然后在选项菜单中选择速度/持续时间。

      In the Speed/Duration settings, first change the Speed to 50% then click on the Ripple Edit, Shift Trailing Clips option and click OK.

      在速度/持续时间设置中,首先将速度更改为 50%,然后单击波纹编辑、移动尾随剪辑选项并单击确定。

    3. Adjusting Speed Practice 调整速度练习

      In this next section, you have the opportunity to reinforce your learning by trying a short speed adjustment challenge, similar to the example you just saw in the previous steps.


    4. Practice 实践

      The same setting used to slow down a clip can be used to speed it up.


      Try to use the Speed/Duration setting to return Clip 3 to its original speed. Use the hints below if you need help.

      尝试使用速度/持续时间设置将剪辑 3 恢复到其原始速度。 如果您需要帮助,请使用以下提示。

  2. Adding Titles 添加标题

    1. The Essential Graphics Panel 基本图形面板

      One of the most common ways to enhance your movie is by adding titles to help tell your story. You can use titles to create opening and closing credits, or introduce unkonwn people and placess.

      增强电影效果的最常见方法之一是添加标题来帮助讲述您的故事。 您可以使用标题来创建开场和结束演职员表,或介绍未知的人和地点。

      In this tutorial, you’ll use the Essential Graphics panel to add an opening title to your project.


      In the application menu, click on Window > Essential Graphics.

      在应用程序菜单中,单击 窗口 > 基本图形。

    2. Adding a Title to the Sequence 为序列添加标题

      Let’s say you want to add an opening title to the beginning of your sequence, like in the movies. (Title graphics are represented as magenta rectangles in the Timeline panel).

      假设您想在序列的开头添加一个开场标题,就像在电影中一样。 (标题图形在“时间轴”面板中表示为洋红色矩形)。

      Enter the word “Title” in the panel’s search bar and press ENTER

      在面板的搜索栏中输入单词“Title”,然后按 ENTER

      Find the title named, “basic Title”


      Using the animated graphic above as a reference, hold down CONTROL and click and drag the title icon to the beginning of the sequence until its magenta clip snaps in place at the beginning of the V1 track.

      使用上面的动画图形作为参考,按住 CONTROL 并单击标题图标并将其拖动到序列的开头,直到其洋红色剪辑卡在 V1 轨道的开头。

      注意:如果提示 Adobe “解析字体 SourchHanSansCN-Regular” 的错误。是缺少字体。在网上搜索 SourchHanSansCN-Regular 思源黑体 CN 字体文件后将字体文件复制到 C:WINDOWSFonts


    3. Editing a Title 编辑标题

      You can edit almost any property of a title, from its color and font size to its position on the screen.


      Make sure the playhead is positioned over the title clip so you can see “Your Title Here” in the Program Monitor panel

      确保播放头位于标题剪辑上方,以便您可以在节目监视器面板中看到“Your Title Here”

      To open the title’s property settings, click on the “Your Title Here” text in the Program Monitor panel.

      要打开标题的属性设置,请单击“节目监视器”面板中的“Your Title Here”文本。

    4. Adding Titles on Top of Clips 在剪辑顶部添加标题

      Move the playhead to the beginning of Clip 1 in the V1 track.

      将播放头移动到 V1 轨道中 剪辑 1 的开头。

      In the Browse tab of the Essential Graphics panel, type “Lower Third” into the search bar and press ENTER

      在“基本图形”面板的“浏览”选项卡中,在搜索栏中键入“基本下方三分之一”,然后按 回车

      Find the title name, “Basic Lower Third”.


      Using the animated graphic above as a reference, click and drag the title on to the V2 track, and drop it directly above the beginning of Clip 1.

      使用上面的动画图形作为参考,单击标题并将其拖到 V2 轨道上,然后将其直接放在 Clip 1 的开头上方。

  3. Adding Transitions to Clips 给剪辑添加转场

    1. Transitions and the Effects Panel 过渡和效果面板

      A transition moves a scene from one clip to the next. The most common transition is the cut, when one clip simply ends and another begins. But other transitions can help add elements of storytelling, like dissolving between clips to show the passage of time.

      过渡将场景从一个剪辑移动到下一个剪辑。 最常见的过渡是剪辑,当一个剪辑简单地结束而另一个剪辑开始时。 但是其他过渡可以帮助添加讲故事的元素,例如在剪辑之间溶解以显示时间的流逝。

      In this tutorial, you’ll add some basic transitions to your sequence using the Effects panel


      In the application menu, click on Window > Effects

      在应用程序菜单中,单击窗口 > 效果

    2. Adding a Cross Dissolve 添加交叉溶解

      You can add a transition at the beginning or the end of a single clip, or between two clips. Let’s add a fade, also known as a Cross Dissolve, between Clip 1 and Clip 3.

      您可以在单个剪辑的开头或结尾或两个剪辑之间添加转场。 让我们在 剪辑 1 和 剪辑 3 之间添加一个淡入淡出,也称为 交叉溶解。

      In the search bar, type “Cross Dissolve”


      Click and drag the Cross Dissolve effect on the V1 track until its yellow outline covers both the end of Clip 1 and the beginning of Clip 3, then drop it in place.

      单击并拖动 V1 轨道上的 Cross Dissolve 效果,直到其黄色轮廓覆盖 Clip 1 的结尾和 Clip 3 的开头,然后将其放置到位。

    3. Transitions Practice 过渡练习

      In this next section, you have the opportunity to reinforce your learning by trying a short transitions challenge, similar to the example you just saw in the previous steps.


    4. Practice with Transitions 过渡练习

      Transitions can also be applied to titles. See if you can use what you’ve learned about transitions and change the titles so that they fade in and out of the sequence. Use the hints elow if you ge stuck.

      过渡也可以应用于标题。 看看你是否可以使用你所学到的关于过渡的知识并更改标题,以便它们淡入和淡出序列。 如果您遇到困难,请使用以下提示。

  4. Working with Audio 使用音频

    1. Adjusting Clip Volume 调整剪辑音量

      The difference between a professional film and an amateur video is often the audio. Having the right audio levels is critical for a sucessful project.

      专业电影和业余视频之间的区别通常在于音频。 拥有正确的音频电平对于成功的项目至关重要。

      An extra voiceover audio track has been added to the project for this tutorial. If you play the sequence. you’ll notice that the background music in A1 is too loud for the voiceover in A2.

      本教程的项目中添加了一个额外的画外音音轨。 如果你播放序列。 您会注意到 A1 中的背景音乐对于 A2 中的画外音来说太大声了。

      In the A1 audio track of the Timeline panel, find the horizontal. white line that divides the green audio clip into two identical halves.

      在 时间线 面板的 A1 音轨中,找到水平线。 白线将绿色音频剪辑分成相同的两半。

      Click on the white line and drag it downwards, to around -6 dB.

      单击白线并将其向下拖动到 -6 dB 左右。

    2. Fading Audio 音乐渐弱

      Right now the music ends abruptly. Let’s say you want to gradually fade the music out instead.

      现在音乐突然结束了。 假设您想要逐渐淡出音乐。

      Open the Effects panel by going to Window > Effects and delete any text currently in the search bar.

      通过转到 窗口 > 效果 打开效果面板并删除当前在搜索栏中的所有文本。

      Open Audio Transitions > Crossfade and select Exponential Fade

      打开 音频过度 > 交叉淡化 并选择 指数淡化

      Drag and drop the Exponential Fade effect on to the end of the background music clip in the A1 track.

      将指数渐变效果拖放到 A1 轨道中背景音乐剪辑的末尾。

  5. Adjusting the Color of Clips 调整剪辑的颜色

    1. The Lumetri Color Panel Lumetri颜色面板

      Color correction is the process of adjusting your clips until the colors look as close as possible to how the human eye sees them.


      The easiest way to improve the look of your clips in Premiere Pro is to use the Lumetri Color panel.

      在 Premiere Pro 中改善剪辑外观的最简单方法是使用 Lumetri颜色面板。

      I the application menu, click on Window > Lumetri Color.

      在应用程序菜单中,单击 窗口 > Lumetri 颜色。

    2. Adjusting White Balance 调整白平衡

      There seems to be a blue tint to Clip 3. You can fix this by adjusting the white balance of the clip.

      剪辑 3 似乎有蓝色调。您可以通过调整剪辑的白平衡来解决此问题。

      In the V1 track of the Timeline panel, click on Clip 3 to select it, and move the playhead over it so you can see the clip in the Program Monitor.

      在 时间线 面板的 V1 轨道中,单击 剪辑 3 将其选中,然后将播放头移到它上面,这样您就可以在节目监视器中看到该剪辑。

      In the Lumetri Color panel, click on the Basic Correction section to expand the options.

      在 Lumetri 颜色面板中,单击基本校正部分以展开选项。

      Click on the Eye Dropper icon next to the WB Selector, and then in the Program Monitor panel, click on the white clouds.

      单击 白平衡选择器旁边的滴管图标,然后在节目监视器面板中,单击白云。

    3. Creativity with Color 创意与色彩

      The style and look of this movie is completely up to you. Get creative and use the different settings of Lumetri Color panel to adjust the look and feel of the clips.

      这部电影的风格和外观完全取决于您。 发挥创意并使用 Lumetri 颜色面板的不同设置来调整剪辑的外观。

      Things to consider trying:


      Adjust each of the basic settings to see how they change different aspects of the clip.

      调整每个 基本校正 以查看它们如何更改剪辑的不同方面。

      Explore fifferent “Looks” under the Creative settings.

      在 创意 设置下探索不同的“Look”。

      Create color casts under Color Wheels & Match.

      在 色轮和匹配 设置下创建色偏。

Adobe Premiere Pro 学习和支持

Premiere Pro 教程

2 Adobe Premiere Pro 2022 项目文件、素材文件组织方式

    01 FOOTAGE
    02 AUDIO

    01 FOOTAGE
    02 AUDIO
    04 MUSIC
    05 PHOTOS
    08 AE
    09 EXPORTS

3 技巧

  1. PR导出的视频不完整怎么办?
    1. 遇到这种情况,点击pr,打开项目,点击素材库上的序列。(或已经剪辑的视频选要导出的)
    2. 选择了,点击 标记 > 清除出点入点。
  2. 鼠标、键盘点击工具 PointerFocus
    • 注册码 .. 10325357×215372
  3. 截屏工具 Snipaste
    • F1 截屏
    • F3 贴图
  4. 屏幕放大、缩小工具 ZoomIt
    • 使用快捷键 CTRL+4 来 开启/关闭 LiveZoom 模式
    • 在LiveZoom 模式下,使用 CTRL+UP, CTRL+DOWN 来放大、缩小显示区域
  5. 第一字体

原文始发于微信公众号(尘缘如梦):Adobe Premiere Pro:掌控视频剪辑的魔法之手,让你的创作腾飞!

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